annik's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Grünwald, Germany

Bavaria Filmstadt

This German version of Universal Studios holds a vault of treasures from the NeverEnding Story.
Sasbachwalden, Germany

Schlafen im Weinfass

You haven’t properly toured a winery until you’ve slept in an actual wine barrel.
Speyer, Germany

Speyer Wine Bottle

Aged nearly 1,700 years, the world's oldest bottle of wine is probably still drinkable.
Bingen, Germany


The many—66 to be exact—faces of the German forest.
Koblenz, Germany

Augenroller (Eye Roller)

Every half hour the eye-rolling clock face sticks out its tongue to mock the good citizens of Koblenz.
Königswinter, Germany


This temple to the sturm and drang of Richard Wagner contains a dragon's cave and reptile zoo full of living "dragons."
Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany

Germany's Secret Government Bunker

A top-secret bunker now turned museum, is an eerie look at what life would have looked like in the event of nuclear war.
Bonn, Germany

Bonn Cherry Blossoms

Thousands of flowers create enchanting pink tunnels over the city streets.
Cologne, Germany

Senfmuseum (Mustard Museum)

This small condiment museum makes all manner of mustards with a 200-year-old mill.
Cologne, Germany

Chandelier Hall

An elegant chandelier hangs over this ancient sewer chamber, now open for concerts and public tours.
Neuss, Germany

Museumsinsel Hombroich

Be it nature, art, or abandoned military architecture this eclectic German "museum" has you covered.
Dusseldorf, Germany

C. und O. Vogt Institue of Brain Research Collection

A varied collection of brains in alcohol.
Dusseldorf, Germany

Reinraum's Art Exhibits in a Public Toilet

An abandoned underground bathroom is now a space for public art.
Duisburg, Germany

Tiger & Turtle Magic Mountain

No need to strap in for a "ride" on this walkable roller coaster.
Recklinghausen, Germany

Kunstgallerie Glas Haus (Art Gallery Glass House)

This small gallery nestled inside an old botanical glasshouse is a quiet place to enjoy art and nature.
Hemer, Germany

Hemer Felsenmeer

Wooden pathways run through this rocky landscape, which legend says was created when a dwarven king pulled down his own castle to stop raiding giants.
Island Park, Idaho

Yellowstone's Zone of Death

A legal loophole makes it possible to get away with murder within this 50-square-mile section of Yellowstone.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Vicens

Step inside the first house designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, considered to be one of the first Art Nouveau buildings.