Anti e Adri's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rome, Italy

Hermitage of Saint Sylvester

This hermitage celebrates the legend of Emperor Constantine's healing from leprosy.
Assisi, Italy

Temple of Minerva

What appears to be an ancient Roman temple is actually a Catholic church.
Pisa, Italy

The Camposanto

Next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa is a cemetery home to ancient sarcophagi and disturbing murals.
Rome, Italy

Bunker Soratte

Hidden within this iconic mountain are a set of World War II bunkers once used by German forces.
Rome, Italy

The Sacconi Rossi Crypt

A burial vault located under Tiber Island in the middle of the Italian capital.
Raiano, Italy

Eremo di Saint Venantius (Hermitage of Saint Venantius)

A holy stone inside this spectacular hermitage is said to have healing properties.
Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italy

St. Aloysius Gonzaga Skull

The skull of this patron saint is kept in a shrine located in his hometown.
Mantua, Italy

Basilica di Sant'Andrea

It took more than 300 years to build this church, which is home to two sacred vessels believed to hold the blood of Christ.
Mantua, Italy

Sala dei Giganti (Chamber of the Giants)

A room filled with frescos that make it seem like the walls are crumbling down while giants die in despair.
Rome, Italy

Wheel of the Exposed

An unremarkable wooden wheel built into the side of one of Rome's oldest hospitals was part of a policy to reduce infant exposure.
Rome, Italy

Torquato Tasso's Oak Tree

The charred, dead skeleton of an oak tree is said to have consoled a dying 16th-century Italian poet.
Palermo, Italy

Qanat di Palermo

A network of underground water channels that dates back to the Middle Ages.
Osimo, Italy

Grotte di Osimo

A series of caves, tunnels, and wells filled with fascinating figures and symbols.
Tarquinia, Italy

Etruscan Necropolises of Tarquinia and Cerveteri

Wandering this ancient burial place offers a glimpse of the afterlife in the fresco-adorned tombs of an ancient Etruscan civilization.
Ischia di Castro, Italy

Eremo di Poggio Conte (Poggio Conte Hermitage)

A dreamlike medieval church dug into the tuff rock, with unusual carvings and possible traces of the Templar knights.
Vetralla, Italy

Norchia Necropolis

One of ancient Etruria's most spectacular archaeological sites with impressive necropolises and rugged landscape.
Trescore Balneario, Italy

Cappella Suardi

Jesus turns into vines inside this chapel.
Naples, Italy

Fontana del Gigante

This monumental fountain has moved around the city multiple times.
Labante, Italy

Grotte di Labante

South of Bologna, a limestone grotto with a protruding waterfall and a floor full of cave pearls.
Forno, Italy

Filanda di Forno

The crumbling remains of a 19th-century textile factory.
Vernazza, Italy

Cat Shrine

On the walking path from Monterosso to Vernazza, a small shrine dedicated to feline friends.
Rome, Italy

Pier Paolo Pasolini Park

A literary park dedicated to the memory of a filmmaker, writer, and intellectual who was killed in 1975.
Torre del Greco, Italy

San Michele Arcangelo Hypogeum

The old church, buried by the 1784 Mount Vesuvius eruption, is a remarkably well-preserved place where people now pray for the souls of the dead.
Torre Annunziata, Italy

Ruins of Oplontis

Buried next to Pompeii, this lesser-known Roman villa was the opulent vacation home of Emperor Nero's wife.