armeniapedia's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Byurakan, Armenia
Places added to Armenia
Places edited in Armenia
Places visited in Armenia
Places edited in Lido, Italy
Places visited in Yerevan, Armenia
Places added to Jerusalem, Israel
Places edited in Isfahan, Iran
Places added to Tbilisi, Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia

Rezo Gabriadze Puppet Theater

A small but hugely whimsical theater where marionettes play out the "The Battle of Stalingrad."
Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi Sulfur Baths

A cluster of historic bathhouses built on the famed hot springs that gave the Georgian capital its name.
George Town, Malaysia

Church of St. George the Martyr

The oldest Anglican church in Southeast Asia.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Bukit Bintang Street Art Alleys

Cartoon clouds and nature-inspired murals have transformed the streets of Kuala Lumpur.
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Los Angeles, California

The Babylon Court

permanently closed
This centerpiece of the Hollywood & Highland shopping center is a recreation of a long-lost movie set.
Los Angeles, California

Egasse-Braasch House

The house where Good Will Hunting was written is a surreal fairytale abode.
Los Angeles, California

Soap Plant / Wacko

An expansive book store, art gallery, and curio shop with wares ranging from tarot cards to novelty socks.
Los Angeles, California

Eagle Rock

The neighborhood of Eagle Rock is named after a gigantic boulder with a shadowy surprise.
Tumanyan, Armenia

Tumanyan Matchbox Label Museum

A tiny museum dedicated exclusively to the tiny art that decorates matchboxes.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Hercules Victor

This curious, round temple is the oldest still-standing marble building in Rome.
Rome, Italy

Pons Fabricius

This is the oldest Roman-made bridge in the city still existing in its original state.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Portunus

This small, ancient Roman temple was once a church dedicated to the patron saint of penitents.
Dilijan, Armenia

Khanjian Villa

permanently closed
The luxurious circular mansion built for a Communist leader now lies abandoned.
Odzun, Armenia

Obelisk of Odzun

An unusual double-stelae obelisk with ancient and mysterious origins.
Yerevan, Armenia

Spider Statue

Destruction from Armenia's 1988 earthquake inspired an artist's sculptures of scrap metal.
Guadalajara, Spain

Osborne Bull

Originally used to sell brandy, the bull-shaped billboard became an iconic symbol of Spain.
New York, New York

Grand Central Terminal Whispering Gallery

Whisper secrets in a busy station only to be heard on the other side of this acoustic arch.
Valencia, Spain

Central Market of Valencia

This amazing example of Valencian Art Nouveau looks more like a cathedral than a public market.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Neon Museum

The neon signs from Las Vegas' past find their final resting place at this unusual graveyard.
Yerevan, Armenia

Lusik Aguletsi House-Museum

A museum dedicated to traditional Armenian clothing and their designer.
San Francisco, California

Mount Davidson Cross

Sitting atop San Francisco's tallest hill, a cross honors the victims of the Armenian genocide.
San Francisco, California

Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture

California's most comprehensive horticultural library.
Los Angeles, California

Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden

This “living museum” at UCLA exhibits thousands of plant species from all over the world.