ashie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Madain, Iraq

Taq Kasra

This remnant of an ancient Persian city is considered to be the world's largest single-span brick vault arch.
Al-Chibayish, Iraq

Mudhif Houses

Giant reed houses made in the marshes of Southern Iraq.
Al-Shikhan, Iraq

Aqueduct of Jerwan

The surviving pieces of an ancient aqueduct that may have fed into the lost Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Alqosh, Iraq

Rabban Hormizd Monastery

An ancient sanctuary that has long been a holy site for the Chaldean Christian Church.
Baghdad, Iraq

Al-Shaheed Monument

A giant bisected onion dome remembers the Iraqis who died in the Iran-Iraq War.
Qurna, Iraq

The Tree of Knowledge

A shrine on the shores of the Tigris.
Dokan, Iraq

Qyzqapan Tomb

Ancient rock-cut tomb? Definitely. That of a great Median king? Unlikely.
Amedi, Iraq

Bahdinan Gate

This beautiful arched gate is all that remains of the fortress the ancient mountaintop town of Amadiya once was.
Baghdad, Iraq

Saddam Hussein's Blood Quran

A 605-page Quran penned in the blood of a dictator is locked away in a mosque.
Erbil, Iraq

Erbil Citadel

An ancient fortified mound raised over the millennia from settlements built one on top of the other.
Samarra, Iraq

Great Mosque of Samarra

9th century Abbasid mosque, damaged in modern warfare.
Hillah, Iraq


Celebrated as a center of civilization, the remains of the ancient city have been nearly destroyed by greed, egoism, and war.
Hamedan, Iran

Tomb of Esther and Mordechai

The most sacred Jewish shrine in Iran and a fine example of restoration works gone wrong.
Fars Province, Iran

Graffiti at Persepolis

Marked by the hand of the explorer Henry Morton Stanley.
Viyar, Iran

Dashkasan Dragon Temple

Two Chinese dragons guard the caves of this medieval temple in Iran.

Khalid Nabi Cemetery

Iranian tombstones shaped like male and female sexual organs.
Tabriz, Iran

Painted Mountains of Tabriz

Colorful mineral deposits turn these mountains into an Impressionist fantasy.
Meymand, Iran


This 12,000 year old Iranian cave village has been continuously inhabited for over 3,000 years.
Saryazd, Iran

Sar Yazd Castle

This ancient fortress in Iran was once the oldest and largest treasury in the world.

Tomb of Cyrus

This ancient burial site is believed to be one of the first earthquake-protected structures in the world.
Zanjān, Iran

Salt Men of Iran

Salt cured mummies continue to turn up in this Iranian mine.
Hormuz, Iran

Hormuz Island

The colorful soil of Iran’s "Rainbow Island" attracts artists and nature lovers.
Kashan, Iran

Bazaar of Kashan

A historic trade hub teeming with gorgeous architecture, colorful goods, and vibrant designs.
Kerman, Iran

Lut Desert (Dasht-e Lut)

The hottest, driest, and most scenic desert on Earth.