Avocado28's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Choum, Mauritania

Mauritania Railway

Climb atop one of the world's longest and heaviest trains for an unbelievable journey across the Sahara Desert.
Blantyre, Malawi

Saint Michael and All Angels Church

This amateur-built East African church with mismatched towers is an architectural abnormality.
Antsalova, Madagascar

Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park and Nature Reserve

Fabulous formations, weird and wonderful wildlife.
Marovoay, Madagascar

Ambalabongo Canyon

The runoff from these fiery cliffs sends red water flowing into the sea.
Morondava, Madagascar

Avenue of the Baobabs

The centuries-old trees lining both sides of this dirt road may become Madagascar's first natural monument.

Gaberoun Oasis

A deserted Bedouin village lines the shores of this stunning desert oasis.
Al-Khums, Libya

Leptis Magna

Magnificent Roman ruins lie vulnerable to destruction on the edge of the Mediterranean.
Tarabulus, Libya

Arch of Marcus Aurelius

This triumphal arch is the only fully standing structure that remains from Roman-era Oea.

Waw an Namus

Surrounded by a smudge of dark earth, this isolated volcano sits in stark contrast to the surrounding Sahara.
Qasr al Hajj, Libya

Qasr al-Haj

A fortress-like granary that has been continually in use for more than nine centuries.
Gadamis, Libya


A beautiful oasis town dating back to the Roman period still serves as reprieve from the brutal summer sun in Libya.
Ghat, Libya

Acacus Mountains

Landscape of bizarrely shaped desert mountains and innumerable rock carvings.
Tubmanburg, Liberia

Bomi Blue Lake

An abandoned mine pit is now a beautiful, colorful attraction.
Motloang, Lesotho

Thaba Bosiu Cultural Village

This sandstone plateau once served as a stronghold for Lesotho's King Moshoeshoe I and his subjects.
Jonathans, Lesotho

Subeng River Dinosaur Prints

Take a step into the Cretaceous Period with these preserved dinosaur tracks.

Ha Kome Cave Dwellings

An 18th-century hideout became a permanent and ongoing residence for one Lesotho tribe.

Lake Turkana

The world’s largest permanent desert lake is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Nairobi, Kenya

Bomas of Kenya

This tourist village in Nairobi celebrates the traditional lifestyles and customs of Kenyan tribes.

Kitum Cave

A salty cave excavated by elephants and the location of a deadly disease vector.
Marafa, Kenya

Marafa Depression

Strange sandstone canyon known as the "place broken by itself."
Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi Animal Orphanage

Located in Nairobi National Park, this animal orphanage is the oldest of its kind in Kenya.
Diani Beach, Kenya

Ali Barbour's Cave Restaurant

Drink and dine in a coral cave that's at least 120,000 years old.
Malindi, Kenya

Gedi Ruins

Abandoned city hidden from the world by tropical forest and isolation on the coast of Kenya.
Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast

Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro

The world's largest church atop a political fault line.