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Bsaira District, Jordan

Dana Village

A ghost village sits atop a mountain within Jordan’s largest biosphere reserve.
Areedh Sub-District, Jordan

Fortress of Machaerus

These ruins by the Dead Sea is where John the Baptist met his untimely end.
Karak, Jordan

Kerak Castle

Perched above the bustling town of Kerak is a sprawling, ruinous castle that has witnessed nearly a millennia of Levantine history.
Amman, Jordan

Umayyad Palace

This restored eighth-century palace is a shining example of ancient Umayyad architecture.
Es-Salt, Jordan


This ancient town is full of stunning Ottoman architecture and streets so narrow trash collection is done by donkey.
Umm ar-Rasas, Jordan

Um er-Rasas

The remains of three different ancient civilizations have been found at this rich archaeological site.
Mkawer, Jordan

Ma'in Hot Springs

This cascade of mineral-rich hot springs and waterfalls is an oasis in the Jordanian desert.
Amman, Jordan

Iraq al-Amir

Just outside of Jordan's capital lies an ancient castle and intriguing caves dating back to the Copper Age.
Areedh Sub-District, Jordan

River Canyons of Jordan

Concentrated around the Dead Sea, these surprising canyons are filled with coursing water, fish, and even crabs.
Wadi Rum Village, Jordan

Wadi Rum

Known as the "Valley of the Moon," this Jordanian wadi is one of the most amazing desertscapes on Earth.
Madaba, Jordan

Madaba Mosaic Map

The world's oldest map of the holy land gives us a fragmented glimpse of the layout of biblical nations.
Amman, Jordan

Roman Theater of Amman

This exceptionally well-preserved ancient marvel also houses a small museum dedicated to Jordanian folk tradition.
Jerash, Jordan

The Ruins of Jerash

Gladiators battle and chariots race daily in the ruins of a once-great Roman city.
Petra District, Jordan

Little Petra

A more chill but no less fascinating version of the famous ancient archeological site.
Petra District, Jordan


An ancient capital city that dates back 3,000 years old and harbors many surprises.
Nabi Samwil, Israel

Prophet Samuel's Tomb

This ancient tomb in the West Bank is a holy site for Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike.
Jerusalem, Israel

Church of the Pater Noster

Dozens of elegant ceramic tiles decorate these ancient walls, each displaying the Lord's Prayer in a different language.
Jerusalem, Israel

Christ Church in Jerusalem

Oldest Protestant church in the Middle East, designed to resemble a synagogue.
Eilon, Israel

Monfort Fortress

A secluded fortress from the days of the Crusades that offers breathtaking views.
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

Israel's first dedicated natural history museum is home to 5 million specimens and still growing.
Jerusalem, Israel

Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

The only quarter of the Old City not dedicated to a major world religion.
Jerusalem, Israel

Tisch Family Zoological Park

Biblical beasts and endangered animal preservation come together in this Israeli zoo.
Hamaam, Israel

Mount Arbel

An iconic view point of the Sea of Galilee offers a look into Israel's past.
Ein Gedi, Israel

Dead Sea Sinkholes

As the Dead Sea continues to deplete, massive sinkholes open along its banks.