faithymanifestsandshifts's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Minneapolis, Minnesota

Pavek Museum

Explore the History & Technology of Electronic Communication
Reno, Nevada

Dymaxion Car at the National Automobile Museum

The only surviving prototype of Buckminster Fuller's revolutionary car.
Calabasas, California

Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park

Pay your respects to departed pets, both celebrity and otherwise.
New York, New York

The Ziegfeld Head

The front yard of an Upper East Side town house hides the last fragment of one of New York's most famous theatres.
Brookline, Massachusetts

The Dutch House

This Dutch-styled residential building was originally a cocoa company's World's Fair showpiece.
Marceline, Missouri

Walt Disney Hometown Museum

A celebration of the animation wizard's childhood home and antique railroad memorabilia collection.
Dover, New Hampshire

Woodman Institute Museum

A museum dedicated to "science, history and the arts" little changed since 1915.
Sanibel, Florida

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum

In a city crazy for seashells this museum educates and amazes visitors using the wonder of cast-off exoskeletons.
Washington, D.C.

The Cairo

This unacceptably tall building was the real reason for Washington, D.C.'s skyscraper ban.
Bowling Green, Kentucky

Drake Vintage Music & Curios

Veritable museum of 20th century country music history.
Marion, Ohio

Merchant Ball

This moving cemetery sphere is a slowly rolling stone.
Savannah, Georgia

Grave of Gracie Watson

More than a century after her death, Little Gracie Watson remains one of Savannah's most often-visited residents.
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum

The titular fictional logger only inhabits this otherwise historically focussed museum via a piece of fiberglass kitsch.
Washington, D.C.

The Preamble in License Plates

The preamble to the U.S. Constitution written entirely from vanity license plates hangs in the Smithsonian museum.
Rochester, New York

The George Eastman Museum

The home, museum, and death site of Kodak's influential founder.
Durham, North Carolina

The Can Opener

This too-low North Carolina railroad trestle is still a notorious big rig executioner.
Fremont, California

Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum

This quaint archive of the silent era preserves and pays homage to a seminal moment in film history.
Seattle, Washington

The Wedgwood Rock

This quiet neighborhood is also home to a 700-ton rock transported by the last Ice Age.
Oak Brook, Illinois

Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art

Museum dedicated to the art of cutting and polishing stones.
St. Petersburg, Florida

James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art

This Florida museum dedicated to western artwork is entered through an artificial canyon with imported sandstone.
Richmond, Virginia

Chimborazo Medical Museum

A former Confederate hospital serves as a remembrance of wounded and dead soldiers.
Fredericksburg, Texas

National Museum of the Pacific War

Modern technology and live displays tell the story of the Pacific during WWII for the Internet generation.
Tillamook, Oregon

Tillamook Air Museum

The largest wooden building in the world now houses a fascinating collection of aircraft.
Grand Saline, Texas

The Salt Palace

A small "palace" and museum made of, and devoted entirely, to salt.