blackeyedpeas20official's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Montpelier, Vermont
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New Delhi, India

Hijron ka Khanqah

This hidden Sufi cemetery is a spiritual monument for India's third gender community.
New Delhi, India

Tomb of Balban

An unassuming tomb houses an important milestone in Indian architectural history.
New Delhi, India

Jamali Kamali Mosque and Tomb

Visit a haunted Mughal mosque and the tomb of a Sufi saint and his disciple.
Burgos, Spain

El Papamoscas

For more than half a millennia, this automaton has rung an hourly bell.
Arnhem, Netherlands

Groene Bedstee

A set of beech hedges planted in the 19th century forms a tunnel that takes on a different appearance in every season.
Prilep, North Macedonia

Mound of the Unbeaten

One of Bogdan Bogdanović's first spomeniks honors those who died during the People's Liberation Struggle in Macedonia.
Hanoi, Vietnam

T1 Operation Command Bunker

Under Hanoi’s medieval citadel sits a secret military headquarters from the final years of the Vietnam War.
Thomasville, North Carolina

'The Chair'

A 30-foot-tall cement chair pays tribute to a historic design and a local industry.
Yorba Linda, California

Richard Nixon's Resignation Helicopter

The helicopter that "Tricky Dick" absconded from the White House in on his last day in office.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Almoravid Koubba

The oldest monument in Marrakesh and the city's only surviving example of Almoravid architecture.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Musée de La Femme (Women’s Museum)

North Africa's first museum of its kind preserves the culture of Moroccan women and their artistic achievements. 
Xilitla, Mexico

Leonora Carrington Museum

This dreamlike museum is filled with the works of an influential surrealist artist whose name you may have never heard.
Tupã, Brazil

Silvana Nakamura Mosaico

This artist's studio is decorated inside and out with tiles, mosaics, and ceramic dishware.
São Pedro da Aldeia, Brazil

Casa da Flor

A self built castle built by a salt worker in Brazil.
Brasília, Brazil

Torre de TV Digital

One of the last designs from architect Oscar Niemeyer.
San José de Maipo, Chile

Tinoco Tunnel

Locals visit this abandoned train tunnel where a man took his own life to ask favors of his spirit.
Antofagasta Province, Chile

The VLT - Very Large Telescope

In the most arid desert on the planet, the world's leading telescope allows astronomers to see more than has ever been seen before.
Ninacaca, Peru

San Pedro Cemetery of Ninacaca

A colorful Peruvian city of the dead.
Las Palmas, Peru

Cueva de Las Lechuzas

A jungle cave in Peru of unknown depths, otherworldly sounds, and strange nocturnal birds that navigate by echolocation.
Cusco, Peru

Qenqo Temple

Death rituals and sacrifice inside a Peruvian megalith.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pasaje Lanín

A vibrant street away from the typical tourist track, lined with colorful, mosaic-covered houses.
Wanda, Argentina

Wanda Mines

A small but industrious mining operation that allows visitors to touch precious gems while they are still in the rock.
Mendoza, Argentina

Shrine to Gauchito Gil

This roadside memorial pays homage to Argentina's Outlaw Saint.
Envigado, Colombia

La Casa de las Piedritas

This exceptional home was a 32-year labor of love by a man determined to build his wife the most beautiful stone house in the world.