blimpcaptain's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Maryland
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Places edited in Pennsylvania
Places visited in Pennsylvania
Places added to Washington, D.C.
Places edited in Washington, D.C.
Places visited in Virginia
Places added to Kansas City, Missouri
Places edited in West Virginia
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Wexford, Pennsylvania

Fountain of Youth

A stone arch leads to a cavernous 1930s spring house tucked away in the Pennsylvania woods.
Washington, D.C.

Spanish Steps

A terrace reminiscent of Rome's Spanish Steps is tucked away in a little park in Washington, D.C.
Frederick, Maryland

Gambrill House

This three-story Victorian mansion is now home to the National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Training Center headquarters.
Gaithersburg, Maryland

World's Largest Deadweight Machine

The U.S. government built the million-pound stack of steel during the Space Race.
Chestertown, Maryland

Modern Stone Age Kitchen

Learn about our ancestral eating habits at the passion project of an archeologist.
Washington, D.C.

Taras Shevchenko Memorial

A small park honors the legendary Ukrainian poet.
Washington, D.C.

Art Museum of the Americas

The most magical part of this Latin American and Caribbean art museum is a room covered in beautiful blue tiles from floor to ceiling.
Chicago, Illinois

Kinzie Street Bridge

In 2004, a Dave Matthews Band tour bus dumped 800 pounds of waste off a bridge and onto an unsuspecting tour boat below.
Miami, Florida

Bobblehead Museum

This extensive display of bobbleheads is a tribute to one of the most unique pieces of sports memorabilia.
Sleepy Hollow, New York

Headless Horseman Bridge

The real-life site of Ichabod Crane's infamous gourd attack.
Hartford, Connecticut

A. Everett Austin Facade House

This stunning Connecticut mansion is actually just a one-room-deep hoax.
Hartford, Connecticut

The Mark Twain House & Museum

The former home of Samuel Clemens and family remembers the happiest period of the author's life.
Hartford, Connecticut

Harriet Beecher Stowe Center

The author of Uncle Tom's Cabin was neighbors with Mark Twain while living in this Connecticut home.
Hartford, Connecticut

Cathedral of St. Joseph

This Connecticut chapel is a starkly modern, and surprisingly colorful, architectural rebel.
Hartford, Connecticut

Abandoned Comet Diner

An iconic steel and chrome diner from the 1940s left empty for nearly 20 years is in danger of being demolished.
Foster, Rhode Island

Jerimoth Hill

As state highpoints go, this spot is one of the lowest, but for years it was also the hardest to climb.
Providence, Rhode Island

Neutaconkanut Hill Park

A virtually untouched "home on the hill" for the flora and fauna of Rhode Island.
Providence, Rhode Island

Cranston Street Armory

A gothic-styled structure that has been the location for several movies.
Providence, Rhode Island

Big Blue Bug

Ironically this massive termite is the mascot for a company that is acclaimed for killing his kind.
Providence, Rhode Island

Nori the Dragon

A giant green dragon crawls down from the roof of the Providence Children's Museum.
Providence, Rhode Island

H.P. Lovecraft’s Grave

Final resting place of one of the classic authors of horror literature.
Providence, Rhode Island

Roger Williams Root

The vaguely man-shaped root that ate the body of the founder of Rhode Island.
Providence, Rhode Island

Gingerbread and Pancake Islands

The origin of these small islands' sweet names is a local mystery.
Providence, Rhode Island

Crook Point Bascule Bridge

To avoid the demolition costs this abandoned drawbridge was simply left in the up position.