blueridgeslikers's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Elkhart, Indiana
Places visited in Vernon, Florida
Places visited in Romulus, New York
Places visited in Papua New Guinea
Places visited in Ramla, Israel
Places visited in Sæby, Denmark
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Charlestown, Indiana

Rose Island

Ruined pieces of stone and a swimming pool are all that remain of an amusement park swept away by a flood.
Phillipsville, California

Hobbiton, USA

A crumbling wizard is one of the final reminders of a roadside Middle Earth.
Denpasar, Indonesia

Taman Festival

A haunting theme park is slowly being swallowed by the jungle.
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Bench of Whispers

Thanks to an acoustic anomaly, this unassuming stone bench has heard one hundred years of secrets.
Lamont, Florida

North Florida Wildlife Center

View rare birds and interact with lemurs at this nonprofit run entirely by volunteers.
Gainesville, Florida

34th Street Graffiti Wall

Though illegal, city officials have made an exception for this work of art.
White Springs, Florida

Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park

This museum honors the composer of “Swannee Ribber.”
Hawkinsville, Georgia

The Eerie Earthworms of Hawkinsville, Georgia

Beneath the surface, something slithers. And if you find it, prepare to be slimed and glowing.
Easley, South Carolina

Tiny Town of Easley

A rapidly disappearing authentic bit of the old south.
Glendale Springs, North Carolina

Church of the Frescoes

Rural churches in the middle of nowhere with religious frescoes by famous artist.
Marion, Virginia

The Octagon House

An eight-sided home built during a brief octagon craze in the 1850s.
Scranton, Pennsylvania

Steamtown National Historic Site

The train collection of an eccentric New England seafood mogul is now a National Historical Site.
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

Woodland Chapel at Woodsgate

An ideal wedding spot that is almost too ideal.
Monterey, California

Monterey's Moon Tree

A tree grown from astronaut seeds which were exposed to cosmic rays.
Live Oak, Florida

Suwanee Springs Bridge (The Bridge to Nowhere)

This abandoned bridge is now a favorite haunt for graffiti artists.
Whigham, Georgia

Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve

This protected reserve is home to a rare and beautiful species of flower.
Naples, Florida

Naples Depot Museum

This 1920s railway depot is now home to two unique museums complete with a miniature train ride.
Homestead, Florida

Fruit and Spice Park

Found: Garden of Eden in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Chokoloskee, Florida

Ted Smallwood Store

A time capsule of Floridian history fights to survive on the banks of Chokoloskee Bay.
Venice, Florida

Circus in Venice

For 32 years the famous Ringling Bros circus troupe spent winters in this sunny spot in Florida.
North Port, Florida

Warm Mineral Springs

This ancient sinkhole-turned-healing-pool is a treasure trove of archeological discoveries and may even be the Fountain of Youth.
Hertfordshire, England

Magic Roundabout

A giant roundabout made up of six smaller roundabouts can befuddle the uninitiated.
Leetonia, Ohio

Leetonia Beehive Coke Ovens

Rows of 19th-century brick ovens used to process coal into coke form the center of a wooded park.
Joliet, Illinois

Joliet Iron and Steel Works (Joliet Iron Works Park)

What was once the second largest steel mill in the US is now a sprawling complex of modern ruins.