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Florence, Italy

La Berta

Legend says this mysterious stone head belongs to a woman who was petrified by an alchemist.
Florence, Italy

La Specola Zoological Museum

An incredible menagerie of more than 3 million taxidermied animals at the oldest science museum in Europe.
Lanzo D'intelvi, Italy

Balcony of Italy (Balcone d'Italia)

The Sighignola summit on the Swiss border offers views so breathtaking it's been named one of the most beautiful places in Italy.
Vagli Sopra, Italy

Lago di Vagli

This Tuscan lake hides a 13th century town that is still visible when the water recedes.
Rome, Italy

Parish Church of Santa Maria del Popolo

A treasure trove of Renaissance-era funerary art in a Roman church built on top of Nero's grave.
Milan, Italy

Albergo Diurno Venezia

Long-abandoned art nouveau baths beneath Milan's Piazza Oberdan.
Florence, Italy

Cimitero delle Porte Sante (Sacred Doors Cemetery)

The graveyard is filled with beautiful funerary art and boasts breathtaking views of Florence.
Florence, Italy

University of Florence Museum of Pathological Anatomy

This museum is rotten with a century of wax medical deformities.
Rome, Italy

Keats-Shelley Memorial House

Museum dedicated to literary greats of the Romantic Period is also the home in which Keats met his untimely end.
Rome, Italy

Mercatus Traiani (Trajan's Market)

This ancient market is often referred to as the oldest shopping mall in the world.
Rome, Italy

Stumbling Stones of Rome

Brass cobblestones mark the places where individual Holocaust victims were taken from their homes.

Cattedrale Vegetale (Tree Cathedral)

Natural cathedral designed by Italian artist Giuliano Mauri.
Viterbo, Italy

Dining Table at Villa Lante

This immaculate and historic water garden culminates in a massive stone dining table with an inset fountain for chilling the wine of the Cardinal's guests.
Pramarzo, Italy

Temple of Damanhur

Eco-village hidden in the foothills of the Alps that created a massive system of psychedelic underground temples.
Rome, Italy

Lacus Curtius

A mysterious chasm in the heart of the ancient Roman Forum, the Lacus Curtius was once believed to be a gateway to hell.
Isola San Giulio, Italy

Isola San Giulio

A fairytale island floats in the middle of Italy's little-known Lake Orta.
Milan, Italy

Loggia dei Mercanti Whispering Gallery

The secret medieval communication system will whisk your words above the noise of the crowd.
Ravenna, Italy

Flooded Crypt of San Francesco

Filled with goldfish swimming in a shallow pool of sea water, this ancient crypt is more wishing well than burial site.
Florence, Italy

Studiolo Francesco I de’ Medici

Secret refuge and museum of the Duke of Florence.
Rome, Italy

Tempietto at San Pietro in Montorio

More sculpture than building, this architecturally significant temple was built on the spot of Saint Peter's crucifixion.
Venice, Italy

Lazzaretto Nuovo

The plague quarantine island home to the alleged "Vampire of Venice."
Venice, Italy

Tomb of Antonio Canova

A sinister pyramid in the Frari contains the heart of the famous neoclassical sculptor.
Rome, Italy

Trevi Waterfall

A magnificent waterfall is also home to the remains of a Roman hydraulic engineering system.
Rome, Italy

Villa Doria Pamphili Park

A huge enchanting public park just outside the ancient walls of Rome.