Brodessa's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Troutman, North Carolina

Lake Norman

A Nessie-like monster supposedly lurks in this lake.
Charleston, South Carolina

Rainbow Row

Thirteen pastel palaces in downtown Charleston add a gorgeous splash of color to the city.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Old San Juan Cemetery

This bleach-white graveyard overlooking the ocean is accessed through a tunnel.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

La Puerta de San Juan

This colorful gate stands as an entrance to the walled city of Old San Juan.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Parque De Las Palomas (Pigeon Park)

A park where people have been going to feed friendly pigeons since the 18th century
San Juan, Puerto Rico

La Casa Estrecha (The Narrow House)

This tiny home was originally a narrow alleyway.
Cleveland, Ohio

A Christmas Story House and Museum

The home made famous by the 1983 holiday classic is now a perfectly preserved shrine to the movie.
Cleveland, Ohio

GE Chandelier

A dazzling display of lights and crystals.
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Trust Rotunda Building

Marvel at this turn-of-the-century masterpiece that has been turned into a rather stately supermarket.
Cleveland, Ohio

The Cleveland Arcade

Funded by John D. Rockefeller, this is one of the earliest, and most beautiful, shopping arcades in America.
Cleveland, Ohio

Cuyahoga Jack-Knife Bridge #464

An abandoned, rusty old relic of railroad history stands at attention over the Cuyahoga River.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
Cleveland, Ohio

International Women's Air & Space Museum

A wonderful and easily overlooked museum tucked in Ohio's Burke Lakefront Airport.
Cleveland, Ohio

Steamship William G. Mather

This steamer is known as "The ship that built Cleveland."
Cleveland, Ohio

Frozen Cleveland Lighthouse

An unoccupied lighthouse encased in layers of ice from the waters of Lake Erie.
Columbus, Ohio

'As We Are'

Known locally as "the giant head," this 14-foot LED sculpture has a photo booth in the neck where you can have a 3D picture taken and displayed.
Columbus, Ohio

Gavel Sculpture

Just outside the Ohio Supreme Court sits a testament to justice.
Columbus, Ohio

Columbus Park of Roses

An unassuming 13-acre park is home to over 12,000 roses.
Dublin, Ohio


The inventor of a number of hybrid corn species is immortalized with a field of giant corn.
Powell, Ohio

Leatherlips Monument

A monument to a Native American leader who was known for never breaking a promise and met his end after signing a deal with white settlers.
Dublin, Ohio

Watch House and Circle Mound

This sculpture is a cross between an observatory and an earth mound to honor the community's rich history.