hogwartsslytherinprincess75's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Brooklyn, New York

Sunset Park's 68th Precinct

I fought the law and the precinct caved in.
New York, New York

Site of the Beach Pneumatic Subway

Visit the site of a subway powered by nothing more than air--and lots of it.
New York, New York

Carsten Höller Slide

Three-story slide through the New Museum.
New York, New York

Old City Hall Station

A beautiful and abandoned New York subway station from 1904, complete with chandelier.
New York, New York

The Jane Hotel

This historic building housed the surviving crew members of the Titanic, who were left destitute after the wreck.
New York, New York

Pier 54: The Titanic's Arrival Destination

A dilapidated dock tells the story of Titanic's missed arrival.
New York, New York

Barthman's Sidewalk Clock

A clock set into the concrete outside a Manhattan jeweler has been telling time underfoot for over a century.
Brooklyn, New York

Mafia Executioner Albert Anastasia's 1920s Home

Where infamous mobster and leader of Murder Inc. Albert Anastasia made his home.
New York, New York

The Lost Diner

The saddest little diner in New York.
Brooklyn, New York

Bay Ridge Gingerbread House

On the hills of Bay Ridge stands a house straight out of a fairy tale.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Army Terminal Building B

Empty, but not abandoned, this cavernous Brooklyn loading dock was once considered the largest individual building in the world.
West Milford, New Jersey

Jungle Habitat

This disastrous New Jersey safari park saw animal attacks, escapes, and disease before being abandoned.
Staten Island, New York

Site of the Cherry Lane Cemetery

How did a historical Black burial ground become a Staten Island strip mall?
Staten Island, New York

Willowbrook State School

Failed state-supported institution meant to rehabilitate students with intellectual disabilities.
Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania

Old Jail Museum

This jail which was in service for over a century is now open for curious visitors.
Matawan, New Jersey

Glenwood Institute

A condo complex once housed a boarding school with the 24th U.S. Vice President among its notable alumni.
Clifton, New Jersey

Clifton's Gates of Hell

Series of storm drains connected to a dark urban legend.
Kearny, New Jersey

'Annie' Bridge

The drawbridge used in the filming of the movie 'Annie' has been in the open position as it was in the movie for decades.
Staten Island, New York

Kreischer Mansion

This empty Victorian manse on Staten Island is said to be haunted but is actually a real life crime scene.
Hamburg, New Jersey

The Gingerbread Castle

Once in a state of dilapidation, this candy-inspired fortress is now being revived.
Hamilton Township, New Jersey

Rat's Restaurant

Step into Monet's world at this fine-dining restaurant in the middle of a New Jersey sculpture park.
Trenton, New Jersey

Shaky Bridge

This tiny structure was built by the creator of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Oak Ridge, New Jersey

The Ghost Bridge of Oak Ridge Reservoir

This stone bridge is all that remains of a submerged New Jersey town.
Orefield, Pennsylvania

Shankweiler's Drive-In Theatre

America's oldest drive-in movie theater has been in continuous operation since 1934.