cbiehl88's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Three Forks, Montana

Bleu Horses

These giant metal horses graze on a hilltop near the Montana highway.
Montrose, South Dakota

Porter Sculpture Park

A roadside collection of over-sized iron creations that are a bit more macabre than most.
Ishpeming, Michigan

Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum

Egyptian Revival obelisks still rise over the old mine shafts.
La Crosse, Wisconsin

World's Largest Six-Pack

Giant six-pack could provide one person a six-pack a day for 3,351 years.
Park County, Montana

Grasshopper Glacier

A rapidly disappearing glacier filled with extinct grasshoppers, perfectly preserved in the ice.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Old Faithful Geyser

One of nature's most well-scheduled phenomenons resides in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Morning Glory Pool

A beautiful geyser under environmental threat.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Grand Prismatic Spring

The largest hot spring in the United States is, as the name suggests, a stunning show of natural color.
West Glacier, Montana

Lake McDonald

Spectacular views await visitors to this lake.
West Glacier, Montana

Going-to-the-Sun Road

The only road through the heart of Glacier National Park.
Bozeman, Montana

American Computer Museum

See the computer’s history revealed over the course of 20,000 years.
Keystone, South Dakota

Hall of Records in Mount Rushmore

Hidden behind Lincoln's head is a 70-foot-long chamber containing enamel plates documenting American history, sealed in a teakwood box in a titanium vault.
Keystone, South Dakota

World's Largest Bigfoot

This towering wooden Sasquatch was carved with a chainsaw.
Hill City, South Dakota

Museum at Black Hills Institute

One of the largest private collections of fossils in the world.
Custer, South Dakota

Crazy Horse Memorial

The world's largest mountain carving could fit all of Mount Rushmore inside it many times over.
Hot Springs, South Dakota

Mammoth Site

This prehistoric sinkhole lured exclusively male mammoths to their death, much to the delight of science.
Conata, South Dakota


A ghost town now swarming with dozens of prairie dogs.
Wall, South Dakota

Wall Drug

The granddaddy of all tourist traps, built on ice water, jackalopes, and a giant dinosaur.
Philip, South Dakota

Giant Prairie Dog

A six-ton, 12-foot-tall concrete prairie dog is touted as the largest in the world.
Dyersville, Iowa

Field of Dreams Movie Site

A pop-culture attraction outside of Dyersville, Iowa, hits a home run.
Dyersville, Iowa

National Farm Toy Museum

The farm toy capital of the world hosts a museum filled with toy tractors dating back to the late 1800s.
Mitchell, South Dakota

The Corn Palace

A fitting attraction for the corn capital of the world.
Midland, South Dakota

Skeleton Man Walking Skeleton Dinosaur

Just a man taking his prehistoric pet for a stroll.