CL Tee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Places edited in Independence, Missouri
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Alamogordo, New Mexico

Alamogordo Landfill

Buried beneath the New Mexico sands are believed to be millions of copies of Atari's E.T. video game.
Columbus, New Mexico

Shrine to the Perfect Man

This replica of the Indian spiritual master Meher Baba's tomb stands unfinished in the New Mexico desert.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Deming, New Mexico


In the middle of a desert subdivision, there is supposedly an impact crater site from Kcymaerxthaereal times.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Prehistoric Trackways National Monument

Wee (and not so wee) footprints that insects and reptiles of the Paleozoic Era left behind.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Recycled Roadrunner Statue

The state bird of New Mexico, constructed entirely out of garbage.
El Paso, Texas

Wyler Aerial Tramway

This mountain tram provides stunning views while hanging from a single, steel thread.
El Paso, Texas

Hueco Tanks

Natural catch-basin rocks covered in thousands of drawings spanning many millennia.
El Paso, Texas

Sunland Park Dinosaur Tracks

Search for traces of the dinosaurs that roamed here more than 90 million years ago.
El Paso, Texas

B-36 Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage of a crash that killed nine people still litters the Franklin Mountains.
Ivankivs'kyi district, Ukraine

Ovum II

Sculpture that doubles as a time capsule so that life can survive radiation outside Chernobyl.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Crematorium

This oddly shaped building is a surprising Soviet-era crematorium.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Nicolaï Syadristy’s Micro Miniature Museum

One of the world’s best microminiaturist, Nicolaï Siadristy displays his lifetime of tiny creations in this museum.
Lviv, Ukraine

Giant Crossword of Lviv

World's largest crossword puzzle spans the side of a towerblock, its clues scattered throughout the city.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Arsenalna Metro Station

The deepest metro station in the world.
Lviv, Ukraine

Under the Black Eagle Pharmacy Museum

Ukraine's oldest operating pharmacy now offers guests a fascinating walk through apothecary history.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

One of the largest museums in Ukraine remembers the story of the German-Soviet War in iconic, brutalist style.
Borshchivs'kyi district, Ukraine

Priest's Grotto

A subterranean Holocaust refuge within one of the world's longest cave systems.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum

This unassuming museum's slogan translates to “there is a limit of sadness, anxiety has no limits."
Kyiv, Ukraine

Golden Gate of Kyiv

A reconstructed medieval gateway that was the magnificent entrance to the capital city dating back to 1037.
Odessa, Ukraine

Darth Vader Statue

A monument to Lenin has been transformed into a statue of everyone's favorite black-helmeted, fool-choking Sith Lord.
Klevan, Ukraine

Tunnel of Love

This beautiful natural train tunnel is said to grant the wishes of visiting lovebirds.
Odesa, Ukraine

Odesa Catacombs

The largest catacomb system in the world.
Stafford, Virginia

Hogan's Alley

The FBI's urban training course may have the highest fake crime rate in the world.