Cornbread Souffle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Collio, Italy

Miniera Torgola

This decaying complex from the early 1900s was once the site of massive iron and fluorite mines.
Conca dei Marini, Italy

Grotto dello Smeraldo

A limestone grotto where daylight filters in from below and turns the water a beautiful turquoise. Also home to a small underwater nativity scene.
Gravina in Puglia, Italy

Ponte Acquedotto

An impressive bridge over a ravine also served as an aqueduct.
Pozzuoli, Italy

Monte Nuovo

Italy's "New Mountain" rose from the ground in a volcanic eruption in 1538.
Castelsardo, Italy

Roccia dell'Elefante (Elephant's Rock)

This weird, elephant-shaped rock also hosts two ancient tombs.
Soriano nel Cimino, Italy


This archaeological site built into a tuff outcrop is filled with rock dwellings, the ruins of a medieval castle, and a necropolis.
Lallio, Italy

Church of San Bernardino

The walls of this tiny Italian church are entirely covered with frescoes.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Basilica di Sant'Elia

Magnificent frescoes decorate the interior of this Romanesque church, which also showcases an unusual phenomenon during winter solstice.
Marsala, Italy

Tophet of Motya

These ruins of a Phoenician sanctuary in Sicily have a dark history.
Fiumefreddo Bruzio, Italy

Castello della Valle

The ruins of this medieval castle now stand as a monument against all wars.
Genzano di Lucania, Italy

Monteserico Castle

Its look is severe, but its location, isolated on a hill in the middle of the countryside, is particularly scenic.
Turin, Italy

ROCC Mars Yard

Europe's simulation of the Martian surface uses soil from Mount Vesuvius.
Cagliari, Italy

Wax Anatomy Museum at University of Cagliari

A collection of wax anatomy by the great sculptor Clemente Susini.
Cottanello, Italy

Eremo di San Cataldo (Hermitage of Saint Cataldus)

When occupying Nazi troops detonated a mine below, medieval frescoes were revealed in this small cliff-side hermitage.
Massa Lubrense, Italy

Punta Campanella

A crumbling watchtower and a lighthouse overlooks the site believed to be the Sirens' cliff in the "Odyssey."
Turin, Italy

Torre Bert Listening Station

Some people believe that this makeshift space monitoring station received transmissions from clandestine cosmonauts.
Soriano nel Cimino, Italy

Papacqua Fountain

A stunning fountain depicting a mythological she-goat carved directly into the rocks on the grounds of a Renaissance palace.
Piediluco, Italy

Rocca di Piediluco

The ruins of this medieval castle overlook the lake of Piediluco in what was once a sacred forest.
Val della Torre, Italy

The Stele of Mount Musinè

A mysterious stele of unknown origin sits on the peak of this curious mountain.
Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Ponte di Cecco

According to a local legend, this bridge was constructed by an astrologer with the help of the devil.
Imola, Italy

Farmacia dell’Ospedale Santa Maria della Scaletta

An intact, still operating pharmacy from the 18th-century filled with numerous artifacts and paintings.

Hermitage of Saint Onuphrius

A two-hour hike in the Orfento Valley leads to the remote ruins.
Alba, Italy

Alba Fucens

Ever loyal to Roma, the small village of Albe in the Abruzzo region carried on until an earthquake did it in.
Province of Isernia, Italy

Charles Moulin's Hut

The hermit's humble home is hidden near the forested peak of Monte Marrone.