CthursulaMacTire's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dawson, Pennsylvania

Body Farm in Pennsylvania

A macabre farm reserved part of its 222-acres for dead bodies, all in the name of science.
Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania

Kentuck Knob

The house that Frank Lloyd Wright "(shook) out of his sleeve at will" at the age of 86.
Mill Run, Pennsylvania


Frank Lloyd Wright's most iconic home dangles over a Pennsylvania waterfall.
Stahlstown, Pennsylvania

Laurel Hill Tunnel Racecar Testing

A piece of crumbling highway infrastructure was repurposed as a high-tech facility for testing racecars.
Markleysburg, Pennsylvania

Old Tri-State Monument

This original Mason-Dixon line cairn placed in the 1760s was put in the wrong location because of the gravitational pull of the Allegheny Mountains.
Grantsville, Maryland

Casselman River Bridge

This beautiful stone arch bridge wasn't even expected to stand for one day, but people have been crossing it for centuries.
Lonaconing, Maryland

Lonaconing Furnace

The first blast furnace in the United States that used coal and coke fuel instead of charcoal to make pig iron.
Frostburg, Maryland

The Jail in the Gunter Hotel

The antique hotel still has a jail in the basement, though the cockfighting ring is long gone.
Cumberland, Maryland

George Washington's Headquarters

This one-room cabin where the young colonel slept during the French and Indian War.
Keyser, West Virginia

Pinnacle Knob Fire Tower

This former fire tower found new life as a communications hub complete with a scenic overlook.
Eglon, West Virginia

Our Lady of the Pines

This claimant to the title of "smallest church in the 48 states" doubles as an equally tiny, quasi-post office.
Eglon, West Virginia


The highest point in Maryland is only accessible by hiking through another state.
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

George Washington's Bathtub

Berkeley Hot Springs presents to you "the only outdoor monument to presidential bathing."
Frederick, Maryland

Guess the Greyhound

According to local history, this cast-iron canine was nearly melted down for bullets during the Civil War.
Middletown, Maryland

The (First) Washington Monument

Built by the patriotic residents of Boonsboro in a single day.
Martinsburg, West Virginia

National Tracing Center

Endless rows of boxes of paper records line the hallways of the archaic federal facility where guns are traced.
Martinsburg, West Virginia

Big Apple Time Capsule

A giant time capsule not scheduled to be cored until 2040.
Sharpsburg, Maryland

Kennedy Farm

This is the cabin from which John Brown and his men launched their fateful war to end slavery on October 16, 1859.
Boonsboro, Maryland

Crystal Grottoes Caverns

Bizarre Cavern.
Unger, West Virginia

Farnham Colossi

Winding country roads in eastern West Virginia lead to an extraordinary place populated by fiberglass giants.
Oldtown, Maryland

Paw Paw Tunnel

Despite violent work crews and massive delays this abandoned canal tunnel was built to last into the modern day.
Lyndhurst, Virginia

Swannanoa Palace

This historic mansion was built as a symbol of love between a husband and wife.
Afton, Virginia

Crozet Tunnel

A railroad tunnel that, upon its completion, was considered one of the engineering marvels of the modern world.
Dayton, Virginia

Mole Hill

One of the last active volcanoes on the Eastern seaboard.