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São Paulo, Brazil

Castelinho da Rua Apa

Striking ruins of a mansion that stood center stage in one of modern Brazil's most puzzling crimes.
São Paulo, Brazil

'The Indian and the Anteater' Sculpture

This mesmerizing statue of a child wrestling an anteater symbolizes the native culture and biodiversity of São Paulo.
São Paulo, Brazil

Caos Bar & Antiguidades

Half curiosity cabinet, half late night hotspot, this Brazilian bar is helping turn a dangerous neighborhood around.
São Paulo, Brazil

Cemitério da Consolação

This necropolis is home to eclectic funerary art and is the final resting place for much of the city's nobility.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museum of Japanese Immigration in Brazil

Its collection details the experiences of the largest Japanese community outside Japan.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museu de Arte de São Paulo

This singular art museum in São Paulo is unique inside and out.
São Paulo, Brazil

Parque Trianon

This park feels like a lush little jungle full of wildlife nestled within São Paulo.
São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo Pedestrian Signal Lights

The pedestrian traffic signals in Brazil's teeming metropolis light up with clues to nearby landmarks.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museu Afro Brasil

A labyrinthine museum chronicling the history of African culture in Brazil.
São Paulo, Brazil

Hotel Unique

A huge boat-shaped hotel with a blood red pool and other oddities.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museu Penitenciário Paulista

A former prison complex now displays a historic collection of inmate artwork.
São Paulo, Brazil

Vila Maria Zélia

The first model village in Brazil, built in 1917 to house workers at the jute sack factory.
São Paulo, Brazil

Immigration Museum of São Paulo

This intriguing museum chronicles the history and impact of immigration in Brazil.
São Paulo, Brazil

Livraria da Vila

The bookstore with bookshelves built into unlikely places.
São Paulo, Brazil

Beco do Batman

One of São Paulo's tight urban intersections has become a haven for graffiti artists ever since a single Batman started the trend.
São Paulo, Brazil

Butantan Snake Institute

A snake farm famous for its venemous varieties.
São Paulo, Brazil

Casa de Pedra

The eccentric home of Estevão Silva da Conceição, known as the "Brazilian Gaudí."
São Paulo, Brazil

Jardim Botânico de São Paulo

A jungle in the heart of São Paulo reminds visitors of what Brazil looked like untouched by man.

Snake Island (Ilha da Queimada Grande)

Off-limits and full of venomous pit vipers, Brazil’s Snake Island has a frighteningly apt nickname.
Santos, Brazil

Leaning Towers of Santos

Something about this Brazilian city is slightly askew... literally.
Santos, Brazil

Brazil's Coffee Palace

This majestic building, where Brazil's coffee brokers once bought and sold beans, now houses a coffee museum.
Santo André, Brazil

Paranapiacaba Train Station

The remains of a British railway rusting in the jungle mist of a Brazilian mountainside.
Itanhaém, Brazil

Convento Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Convent of Our Lady of the Conception)

This convent has a unique history, including being burned down by a friar trying to get rid of a few bats.
Campinas, Brazil

Fazenda Jambeiro (Jambeiro Farm)

A beautiful, abandoned farming headquarters overtaken by nature and graffiti.