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Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico

Ecumenical Chapel of Peace

A giant hilltop cross marks the location of a sanctuary with stunning views of Acapulco.
Chalcatzingo, Mexico


In the Valley of Morelos lies a mysterious Olmec site with signs of jaguar veneration.
Taxco, Mexico

Casa Figueroa

This "cursed house" features secret rooms, hidden vaults, and dark escape tunnels.
Taxco, Mexico

Museo De Arte Virreinal (Museum of Viceroyalty Art)

The jewel of the museum is a rare tumulus, a funeral decoration from the 18th century.
Taxco, Mexico

Pre-Hispanic Mine of Taxco

This centuries-old mine remained hidden beneath a hotel bar until 2013.
Cacahuamilpa, Mexico

Grutas de Cacahuamilpa

One of the world’s largest cave systems houses legends, concerts, and wondrous rock formations alike.
Malinalco, Mexico

House of the Eagles

The ruins of a former sanctuary for elite Aztec warriors.
Malinalco, Mexico

Murals of the Parish of the Divine Savior

These colonial murals are a fascinating hybrid of Spanish and Indigenous aesthetics.
Xochicalco, Mexico

Xochicalco Pyramids

The ruins of an ancient city built by Mayan traders is centered around a temple of a sacred feathered serpent deity.
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Palace of Cortés

The conquistador's former fortress is the oldest preserved colonial building in the Americas.
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Museo Robert Brady

An incredible little museum of interior design full of artifacts collected from around the world.
Tepoztlán, Mexico


Concrete construction materials turned into a fashionable capsule hotel in rural Mexico.
Tepoztlán, Mexico

Latrine Poems at Museo de la Natividad

Historic poems about the noble act of defecating have been preserved on the wall of this old convent.
Tepoztlán, Mexico

El Tepozteco

High atop a Mexican rainforest mountain, this ancient pyramid once drew pilgrims countries away.
Mexico City, Mexico


The most complete statue of this Aztec god sits a top a throne carved with images of hallucinogenic plants.
Mexico City, Mexico

Dualidad Mural

This immense scene of a cosmic battle between a jaguar and serpent illustrates the Aztec concept of the duality of life.
Mexico City, Mexico

Foro Sol

The F1 Mexican Grand Prix circuit goes right through the middle of this old baseball stadium.
Mexico City, Mexico

Monolith of Tlaloc

This colossal ancient sculpture of the monstrous Aztec rain god has a literally stormy history.
Mexico City, Mexico

Xoloitzcuintles of the Dolores Olmedo Museum

A small pack of an ancient, hairless breed of dog once believed to guide souls through the underworld lives on its grounds.
Mexico City, Mexico

Disk of Death

This strange sculpture of a menacing skull surrounded by sun rays was discovered at the foot of the Pyramid of the Sun.
Metepec, Mexico

Museo del Barro (Museum of Clay)

A collection of incredible clay crafts, complete with earthen skeletons and mermaids.
Metepec, Mexico

Pino Suárez Linear Garden

This sculpture garden is a serene oasis wedged in the middle of a busy highway.
Toluca, Mexico

Manuel M. Villada Museum of Natural History

The mummies of a fake priest and bandit's wife are among the abundant curiosities at this museum.
Toluca, Mexico

Cosmovitral Botanical Garden

Stained glass windows bathe this botanical garden in cosmic light.