damones2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tallinn, Estonia

KGB Museum

"There's nothing there," and other lies the KGB told us.
Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn Black Angus Sculpture

A unique sculpture calls the outside of this steakhouse home.
Tallinn, Estonia

Hellemann Tower and City Walls

Walk along the medieval fortifications that have been protecting Tallinn since the 14th century.
Tallinn, Estonia

Saint Olaf's Church

During the Soviet era, the spire of this longstanding church was used as a radio transmission tower.
Tallinn, Estonia

Old Thomas

The Guardian of Tallinn.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Genetically Modified Little Mermaid

Hans Christian Andersen for the postmodern world.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Church of Our Saviour

Climb to the top of its spiral spire for spectacular views of Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
Copenhagen, Denmark


This contemplative sculpture made out of old machine parts is meant to be the first in a series of sculptures around the world.
Oslo, Norway

Vigeland Sculpture Park

One man's exploration of the human form, including the bizarre and delightful "Man Attacked by Babies."
Oslo, Norway

The Devil of Oslo

In downtown Oslo, a menacing and terrifying relief clings to a church wall.
Paris, France

Paris Padlocks of Love

The celebrated eyesore created by starry-eyed sweethearts.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Garden of the Gods

Strange red rock formations that have been attributed to a higher power for hundreds of years.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Louisville, Kentucky

Golden Statue of David

The Midwestern United States' tribute to Michelangelo is a foam statue sprayed with gaudy gold paint.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Rainbow Crosswalks

A colorful square marks the heart of the city's LGBTQ community.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
New York, New York

Museum of Sex

A semi-scholarly approach to sex.
Memphis, Tennessee

Sun Studio

This Memphis recording studio launched the careers of Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Presley.
Page, Arizona

Antelope Canyon

Most-visited and most-photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest.
West Hollywood, California

Formosa Cafe

Located close to a movie studio lot, this restaurant has a long history of star-studded patronage.
Simi Valley, California

Ronald Reagan’s Situation Room

The White House Situation Room was taken apart in 2006 and shipped to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Encinitas, California

1883 Schoolhouse

The oldest structure in a beachside California city was built to serve eight students.