Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kaunas, Lithuania

Sugihara House

Where a Japanese government official issued transit visas to Jews fleeing from Nazi-occupied Poland.


Underwater roads undetectable from the surface used for escape routes from foreign invaders.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Literatų Gatvė (Literature Street)

Plaques celebrating Lithuanian writers freckle a wall of this picture-perfect path.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Lukiškės Prison

A century-old prison in the heart of Vilnius is now a lively bar, dance club, and artist residency.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Margutis Easter Egg

A 300-kilogram egg sculpture that embodied a neighborhood revival.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Museum of the History of Lithuanian Medicine and Pharmacy

Folky pharmaceuticals abound in this medicinal reliquary.
Kulionys, Lithuania

Lithuanian Ethnocosmology Museum

The first museum dedicated to exploring humanity's cultural relationship with the celestial world.
Varėnos rajono savivaldybė, Lithuania

Pyramid of Merkine

The pyramid and dome deep inside the Dzūkija forest are believed to channel divine energy.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Christ's Resurrection Church

This magnificent Art Deco church is a reflection of Lithuania’s turbulent history.
Trakai, Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle

Over time, this castle grew to encompass the entire island.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Stebuklas Miracle Tile

While this monument tile is shrouded in mystery it also marks the end of the longest ever human chain.
Druskininkai, Lithuania

Hotel Pušynas

This striking structure is the Socialist-modernist centerpiece of a former Soviet spa resort.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Frank Zappa Memorial

The Frank Zappa fan club erected this monument to their prog-rock hero to mark a new era of post-Soviet Lithuania.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights

This former KGB building is now a museum memorializing the people who suffered during the Soviet regime.
Vilnius, Lithuania

One Million Cent Pyramid

The largest coin pyramid in the world is a carefully balanced stack of over 1,000,000 pieces.
Paberžės seniūnija, Lithuania

Centre of Europe

A small monument in Lithuania marks the geographic center of Europe—or at least one of the claimants.
Gruta, Lithuania

Grūtas Park

Open-air museum with a large collection of Soviet-era statues.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Female Pedestrian Lights

These traffic lights celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the women's suffrage movement in Lithuania.

Dvina Missile Silo

Launch site for nuclear war against Western Europe.
Musteika, Lithuania

Ancient Beekeeping Museum

A tiny traditional village keeps an ancient method of beekeeping alive.
Žagarė, Lithuania

Pan House

What almost started out as a spite house became an eccentric's found object masterpiece.
Vilnius, Lithuania

The Mermaid of Užupis

Travelers who fall victim to this mermaid's charms are destined to stay in Užupis forever.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Žaliakalnis Funicular Railway

The oldest funicular in Lithuania has been climbing this steep hill since 1931.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Republic of Uzupis

This micro-nation may be some sort of prank, but its constitution sure seems official.