Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pugwash, Nova Scotia

Thinker's Lodge in Pugwash, Nova Scotia

A rustic house where intellectuals and investors tried to put an end to Cold War nuclear armament.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Africville Museum

Housed inside a replica church, its collection honors the Black community displaced by the Halifax government.
Diligent River, Nova Scotia

Mary Celeste Monument

Commemoration of a sea voyage gone mysteriously wrong.
Baddeck, Nova Scotia

Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site

This Canadian monument to the man who invented the telephone allows visitors to get up close and personal with the artifacts of his life.
Saint Joseph du Moine, Nova Scotia

Joe's Scarecrow Village

Cape Breton landmark filled with recognizable faces.
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia

Marconi National Historic Site

Site of the first official transatlantic wireless communications.
Cow Bay, Nova Scotia

Cow Bay Moose

This huge 12-foot concrete moose on the coast of Nova Scotia is the grandest of the sculptor's giant creatures.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Sea Turtle Centre

One of Canada's tiniest museums tackles the world's largest turtle.
Sydney, Nova Scotia

World's Largest Fiddle

On the waterfront of Sydney, Nova Scotia, a 60-ft. fiddle greets incoming ships.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Maud Lewis' Painted House

This tiny abode has been covered in the art of the little old lady who made her life and living there.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Titanic Mortuary Bag

A morbid piece of memorabilia from the most famous shipwreck in current history is just one of the many poignant artifacts in this Canadian museum's collection.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Halifax Explosion Memorial

The city of Halifax still bears the scars of the largest explosion prior to the atomic bomb.
Canning, Nova Scotia

Black Hole Falls

A beautiful waterfall and beach where precious stones are plentiful.
Western Shore, Nova Scotia

Oak Island Money Pit

Hunt for buried treasure in Nova Scotia.
Maitland, Nova Scotia

Burntcoat Head Park

The highest tides in the world come in and out here twice a day, allowing you to essentially walk along the ocean floor.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Sable Island

This crescent-shaped sliver of sand is a magical haven for a herd of feral horses.
Joggins, Nova Scotia

Joggins Fossil Cliffs

Cliffs that hold fossils, including the earliest known reptile, dating back more than 300 million years.
Montevideo, Uruguay

Castillo Pittamiglio

A replica of a famous Greek statue adorns the front of the unusual home of architect and alchemist Humberto Pittamiglio.
Colonia Del Sacramento, Uruguay

Colonia del Sacramento Lighthouse

Constructed on the ruins of a convent, this tower saved countless lives.
Montevideo, Uruguay

Mausoleo de Artigas

The remains of Uruguayan hero José Artigas lie beneath a monument in Montevideo’s main square.
Montevideo, Uruguay

Estadio Centenario

This historic stadium was built to host the first-ever FIFA World Cup.
Montevideo, Uruguay

Monumento la Carreta

An epic sculpture depicting a wagon and straining oxen.
Montevideo, Uruguay

Fortaleza del Cerro

This historic fort overlooks Montevideo and appears on Uruguay’s coat of arms.

Isla de Lobos

This small island off the coast of Uruguay hosts the largest colony of sea lions and fur seals in the southern hemisphere.