Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alexandrovsky District, Russia

Nazino Island

Social outcasts and cannibalism in Stalin's Soviet Union.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Berezovsky Mammoth

One of the most well-preserved mammoth specimens in the world.
Kondrovo, Russia

Home Museum of Wooden Sculptures

A curated museum of wooden sculptures inhabits this Russian home.
Semenkovo, Russia

Vologda Butter Museum

Slather on the history at an exhibition dedicated to this Russian luxury.
Pushkin, Russia

Chinese Village at Tsarskoe Selo

A model village fit for an emperor.
Tula, Russia

Tula Museum of Samovars

A Russian museum dedicated to the household staple, the samovar.
Moscow, Russia

A.N. Scriabin Memorial Museum

A museum dedicated to controversial Russian pianist Alexander Scriabin.
Tolyatti, Russia

AvtoVAZ Museum

A collection of iconic Soviet car models on display.
Nikola-Lenivets, Russia

Nikola-Lenivets Art Park

The largest art park on the European continent.
Veliky Novgorod, Russia

Fyodor Dostoevsky Theater of Dramatic Art

This late-brutalist masterpiece everyone forgot about was originally created to get the proletariat jazzed about the arts.
Khostinskiy, Russia

Dacha Kvitko

An abandoned mansion is now a haven for urban explorers.

Rio Shipwreck

One of the most popular attractions in the small resort town of Kabardinka.
Kurilskiy Rayon, Russia

Urup Island

Is it an island or a volcano? That question probably explains why it's uninhabited.
Kuraginsky District, Russia

Tiberkul Religious Settlement

Home of Vissarion, the "Jesus of Siberia."
Sochi, Russia

Dacha Stalina

One of the notorious Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's many summer retreats.
Udachny, Russia

Shukhov Tower on the Oka River

An unused hyberbolic electricity pylon kept as architectural monument.
Yekaterinburg, Russia

Beatles Monument

Mostly underground in the old days Back in the USSR, today the Beatles beckon to tourists from a wall sculpture out in the open in central Russia.
Moscow, Russia

Muzey Kino

For lovers of Soviet cinema, this museum is home to a vast collection of artifacts and costumes.


The Uyghur settlement in the middle of a lake continues to raise questions.
Listvyanka, Russia

Museum Retro Park

A tiny park off the beaten path covered in ingenious scrap metal sculptures.
Klin, Russia

Tchaikovsky State House Museum

The composer did some of his finest work in this country home, including "The Nutcracker."
Odintsovsky District, Russia

Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces

A solemn, monumental, kitschy palace of worship honoring victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Omsk, Russia

Pushkin Library Metro Station

A "station to nowhere" marks the site of a Siberian subway project that never saw the light of day.
Vladimir, Russia

Cathedral of Saint Demetrius

Thousands of biblical and pagan images are carved into this small 12th-century church.