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Ivolginskiy datsan, Russia

Ivolginsky Datsan

The mummified remains of Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov, Russia's most important Buddhist.
Moscow, Russia

Arctic Siberian Campion Plant Revived

Russian researchers who have been excavating ancient squirrel burrows may have brought a 32,000-year-old plant back to life.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

The Wax Museum

An incredibly random collection of wax figures is displayed in a shopping center walkway.

Mount Elbrus

Europe's highest peak is a key pillar of the Seven Summits mountaineering challenge.
Yekaterinburg, Russia

Keyboard Monument

Russia's giant concrete QWERTY keyboard is likely the largest in the world.
Ulan-Ude, Russia

Giant Lenin Head of Ulan-Ude

This massive glowering Lenin head gazes out over eastern Siberia.
Volgograd, Russia

Pavlov's House

The Nazis lost more men trying to take this Russian-held Stalingrad apartment block than they did when taking Paris.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Street Art Museum

An art museum inside an active factory.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Chizhik Pyzhik

Perhaps the tiniest sculpture in Saint Petersburg is a little bronze finch inspired by a song.
Ayano-Maysky District, Russia

Kondyor Massif

Five mile wide circular ring of rock in the Russian Far East is a curious geological oddity.
Moscow, Russia

Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy

This newly renovated Soviet-era outdoor exhibition center is bigger than the principality of Monaco.
Korolyov, Russia

RKK Energiya Museum

This iconic Russian space museum sits on a landmark space production facility and houses the Vostok 1, the first manned spacecraft, that was also built here.
Solovetskiy, Russia


Monastery, army base, and infamous Soviet Gulag in the far Russian north.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

John Lennon Street

A small and surprising passageway in Saint Petersburg devoted to the Beatles.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin Museum

One of the last examples of Soviet architectural propaganda has a few technological tricks up its sleeve.
Kalyazin, Russia

Kalyazin Bell Tower

Stalin's march toward a more modern USSR flooded a monastery, leaving a unique and extravagant nautical marker, "The Flooded Belfry."
Moscow, Russia


A monument to Malchik, a stray dog who lived in a Moscow metro station until his tragic death.

Ganina Yama

Monastery complex at the location where bodies of the executed Romanov royal family were discovered.

Fort Alexander

A man-made island fort that has housed soldiers, scientists, and ravers.
Moscow, Russia

Red Gates Skyscraper

Stalinist skyscraper built with help of cryotechnology.

Diomede Islands

Two islands just 4 km apart separated by an International Border and Date Line.
Moscow, Russia

Museum of the Moscow Railway

This Russian locomotive museum was once devoted just to Lenin's funeral before expanding to encompass Moscow's entire train history.
Ulan-Ude, Russia

Ulan-Ude Ethnographic Museum

A uniquely authentic display of traditional Russian culture.
Moscow, Russia

Moscow State University

Gargantuan home of Russian science.