devonbodde's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Modica Way

An alley way dedicated to graffiti and street art is a constantly changing street gallery.
Denver, Colorado

My Brother's Bar

Neal Cassady may still have an open tab at one of Denver's oldest watering holes.
Denver, Colorado

Meow Wolf Convergence Station

A multiversal transit station located right below a highway interchange.
Golden, Colorado

Mines Museum of Earth Science

An impressive collection of over 50,000 minerals including moon rock from the Apollo 17 mission.
Golden, Colorado

The Sculptured House

This iconic science fiction house still looks like something from the future.
Lakewood, Colorado

Denver’s Dinosaur Hotel

Rather than a run-of-the-mill franchise hotel, this lodging has been decked out in dinosaur decor.
Nathrop, Colorado

Hancock Ghost Town

All that remains of this once-booming mining town are the ruins of a saloon.
Del Norte, Colorado

La Ventana Arch

Unlike most arches, this geological oddity formed in a volcanic dike.
Leadville, Colorado

Leadville's Abandoned Silver Mine

Abandoned silver mine strewn with wrecked and twisted structures.
Nathrop, Colorado

St. Elmo Ghost Town

This nearly abandoned town was once a thriving mining community until a series of fires.
Mack, Colorado

A Trail Through Time

This interpretive path lets you get up close and personal with dinosaur bones.
Chimney Rock, Colorado

Chimney Rock

Two tall rocks sit at the center of this site, once the home of a large Ancestral Puebloan community.
Reading, Pennsylvania

Witch's Hat Pavilion

This semi-spooky remnant of an abandoned hotel provides fantastic views.
Roscoe, New York

Craig-E-Clair Castle

An abandoned castle owned and ignored by Masons carries a cursed history.
Austin, Pennsylvania

Austin Dam

When the Austin Dam failed it destroyed much of Austin...and then it failed again.
Coudersport, Pennsylvania

Cherry Springs State Park

"Dark Sky Park" is heaven on Earth for astronomers, one of the rare U.S. locations with no artificial light pollution.
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Pine Creek Gorge

This lush forest valley was once mined for lumber to the extent that it was once nicknamed "The Pennsylvania Desert."
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Haunted Vista

A rock maze opens up to a panoramic viewpoint at an abandoned mine full of ghost stories.
Allenwood, Pennsylvania

Bunkers of Alvira

Over 100 concrete munitions bunkers are all that remain of a Pennsylvanian village seized by the US government.
Danville, Pennsylvania

Montour Preserve Fossil Pit

Construction uncovered this trove of fossils, which visitors are welcome to add to their own collections.
Meriden, Connecticut

Talcott Basalt Lava Pillows

Hidden behind a Target are pillows of cooled lava that formed at the bottom of a deep lake in the Mesozoic Era.
New Hartford, Connecticut

Satan's Kingdom State Recreation Area

Who knew the Devil's domain was a hot spot for tubing?
Beaver Meadows, Pennsylvania

Beasts of Beaver Meadows

Metal monsters made from repurposed materials lurk alongside this Pennsylvania road.
Montrose, Pennsylvania

Penny Rock

Visitors to Salt Springs State Park are encouraged to literally put their two cents in Penny Rock.