driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bagolino, Italy

NATO Troposcatter Station IDGZ

This abandoned IDGZ station was one of 49 troposcatter stations in the NATO ACE High network.
San Vito, Italy

Miniera di Monte Narba

Once one of the largest sites of silver deposits in Italy.
Mercogliano, Italy

Montevergine Sanctuary

During World War II, the Shroud of Turin was secreted to this remote southern Italian complex.
Forio, Italy

Santa Maria del Soccorso

A snow-white church overlooking the wonderful Tyrrhenian Sea.
Rovereto, Italy

Sacrario Militare di Castel Dante (Castel Dante War Memorial)

This war memorial holds the remains of around 20,000 World War I soldiers from both sides of the conflict.
Naples, Italy

Church of Santa Maria la Nova

Does this church in Naples hold the true tomb of Vlad the Impaler, the notoriously cruel figure who inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Alessandria, Italy

Cittadella of Alessandria

One of the best-preserved modern fortresses was part of a pivotal moment in the Italian Risorgimento.
Padula, Italy

Certosa di San Lorenzo (Padula Charterhouse)

An omelette made with over 1,000 eggs may have been prepared when Holy Roman Emperor Charles V visited this monastery.
Rome, Italy

Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker

A freedman baker’s lavish tomb has a relief showing various stages of Roman bread making.
Rome, Italy

Arco dei Farnesi

This unassuming bridge is most likely one of Michelangelo's unfinished masterworks.
Mantua, Italy

Mantua Cathedral (Cattedrale di San Pietro)

The seat of the Mantua bishop holds many secrets within its walls.
Matera, Italy

Centro di Geodesia Spaziale (Center for Space Geodesy)

One of the few places of its kind, this space research center sits deep in the countryside of Matera.
Viterbo, Italy

Thermal Springs of Viterbo

For centuries, this town's hot springs have been embraced by rich and poor—and even by Popes.
Trieste, Italy

Bora Trieste

The Adriatic's most famous wind can be reliably experienced in the city's Marina.
Calcaferro, Italy

Antiche Miniere di Calcaferro

An old mining site that is slowly being reclaimed by nature.
Rieti, Italy

Resti del Ponte Romano (Roman Bridge in Rieti)

This ancient Roman bridge was a key feature of the ancient Via Salaria road.
Classe, Italy

Sarcophagi of the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe

Numerous stone coffins from different centuries, lined up in a sixth century basilica.
Marina di Ascea, Italy

Parco Archeologico di Velia

This ancient city was home to one of the greatest schools of Greek philosophy.
Albano Laziale, Italy

Romitorio di Sant'Angelo in Lacu

The ruins of a thousand-year-old hermitage are tucked away deep in the sloping forests of Albano Lake.
Livorno, Italy

Meloria Tower

A strange-looking 18th-century tower sits on a tiny islet just off Livorno.
Poppi, Italy

Castello di Poppi

During World War II, a number of important sculptures and paintings were moved to this castle for safekeeping.
Pietragalla, Italy

Parco Urbano dei Palmenti

Though they look like Hobbit houses, these semi-underground stone structures were built for winemaking.
Grazie, Italy

Santuario della Beata Vergine delle Grazie (Sanctuary of Our Vergine Maria of Grace)

In this medieval church, a centuries-old stuffed crocodile hangs from the ceiling.
Monteleone Sabino, Italy

Sanctuary of Santa Vittoria

This Romanesque church is built over the tomb of a martyr who legend says defeated a dragon.