driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Saba, Caribbean Netherlands

Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport

The shortest in the world, this landing strip stretches a mere 1,312 feet before steep cliffs on either end plunge into the Caribbean.
Anegada, British Virgin Islands

Anegada Conch Middens

A mountain of conch shells created by centuries of fishermen.

The Abandoned Royal Navy Commander's House

The abandoned Bermudian home of a British naval leader is surrounded by crumbling sporting fields and the graves of convicts.

Cooper's Island Nature Reserve

A tropical paradise once home to space exploration and military installations.
Smith's, Bermuda

Spittal Pond Nature Reserve

Where a rare geological phenomenon created a section of rock that resembles a checkerboard.

The Unfinished Church

Storms, funding, and in-fighting have kept this Bermuda church from ever being completed.
Conneltown, Barbados

The Animal Flower Cave

Under the desolate and windswept northern coast of Barbados stands a small oasis filled with sea anemones.
Elbow Cay, Bahamas

Elbow Reef Lighthouse

In the Bahamas sits a lighthouse that is among the last of its kind.
South Eleuthera, Bahamas

Cape Eleuthera Resort Ruins

A paradise hotel turned from opulent to overgrown.

SS Sapona

A steamer run aground near Bimini lives a second life as a playground for scuba divers.
Nassau, Bahamas

Queen's Staircase

This staircase in a lush tropical grotto was built by enslaved laborers and renamed to honor Queen Victoria's role in ending slavery in the British Empire.

Glass Window Bridge

This isthmus in the Bahamas narrowly separates the roiling Atlantic from the cool Bight of Eleuthera.

Dean's Blue Hole

One of the deepest blue holes in the world.
Noord, Aruba

Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins

The remnants of an abandoned, 19th-century gold mill along Aruba's rugged northeastern coast.
Antigua and Barbuda

Kingdom of Redonda

A hotly contested micro-nation off the coast of Montserrat.
Saint Paul, Antigua and Barbuda

Pillars of Hercules

A series of magical limestone formations along the coastline of the country island of Antigua.
Sana'a, Yemen

Bayt Baws

A nearly abandoned Jewish settlement perched atop a hill in the heart of Yemen.
Aden, Yemen

Tower of Silence

The remains of a Zoroastrian temple that bore witness to a time when Aden was a flourishing trading hub.
Saywun, Yemen

Sultan Al Kathiri Palace

One of the largest mud-brick structures in the world.
Jiblah, Yemen

Queen Arwa Mosque

One of Yemen’s oldest and most beautiful mosques was named for the incredible, historical queen buried inside it.
Aden, Yemen

Cisterns of Tawila

This impressive system of tanks was used to store drinking water as long as 2,000 years ago.
Zabid, Yemen

Brick Buildings of Zabid

Elaborate patterns adorn the city's disappearing traditional architecture.
Shaharah, Yemen


One of the most remote and isolated villages on the Arabian Peninsula.

Hababah Water Cistern

A mesmerizing reservoir nestled at the heart of a pre-Islamic Yemeni village.