driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lviv, Ukraine

Progress Factory Mosaic

A unique Soviet mosaic preserved on the facade of a shoe factory in Lviv.
Odessa, Ukraine

Trade Unions Building

The eerie burnt-out remains of a prominent building where 30 protestors lost their lives.
Ivankivs'kyi district, Ukraine

Ovum II

Sculpture that doubles as a time capsule so that life can survive radiation outside Chernobyl.
Lviv, Ukraine

Znesinnia Park Rail Tracks

The largest park in Lviv is surrounded by a network of disused rail tracks.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Pip Ivan Observatory

Remains of a station that only operated for one year.
Tarakaniv, Ukraine

Fort Tarakanivskyy

This hidden fortress has been coined the "City of Ghosts."
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Institute of Information

This exquisite, alienesque piece of Soviet architecture is being threatened by modern shopping malls.
Mizhhirs'kyi district, Ukraine

Synevyr Lake

This stunning mountain lake was named for a pair of tragic lovers whose statues stand at the center.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Crematorium

This oddly shaped building is a surprising Soviet-era crematorium.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

One of the largest museums in Ukraine remembers the story of the German-Soviet War in iconic, brutalist style.
Ivankivs'kyi district, Ukraine

Duga 'Russian Woodpecker' Radar

This derelict superstructure was a very important warning system for the Soviet military.
Borshchivs'kyi district, Ukraine

Priest's Grotto

A subterranean Holocaust refuge within one of the world's longest cave systems.
Hodovytsya, Ukraine

All Saints Church

The ruins of an abandoned church loom within a picturesque Ukranian village.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned Avanhard Stadium of Pripyat

One of the most poignant ruins of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the local football team's stadium has been quickly reclaimed by nature.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Golden Gate of Kyiv

A reconstructed medieval gateway that was the magnificent entrance to the capital city dating back to 1037.
Odesa, Ukraine

Odesa Catacombs

The largest catacomb system in the world.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Pripyat Amusement Park

This attraction was abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster.
Klevan, Ukraine

Tunnel of Love

This beautiful natural train tunnel is said to grant the wishes of visiting lovebirds.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Pripyat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
Vatican City

Domus Sanctae Marthae

These spartan apartments are provided to clergymen visiting Vatican City.
Vatican City

Stufetta del Bibbiena

The Vatican's secret porn-festooned bathroom was painted in erotic murals by one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance.
Vatican City

Gallery of Maps - Galleria delle Carte Geografiche

Breathtaking and huge 430 year old maps of Italy.
Elblag, Poland

Galleria EL

This bombed church was given a new life as a contemporary art gallery.
Warsaw, Poland

Skarpa Ski Jump

Ruins of a late 1950s Polish ski jump ramp in the middle of the city.