driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kuşadası, Turkey

Cave of Zeus

This Turkish cave boasts some rather bizarre associations with the King of Mount Olympus.
Hajvali, Turkey

Gamirasu Cave Hotel

Live a night as a Byzantine King, with a minibar and private jacuzzi.


Flames have been burning within this mountain for more than 2,500 years.
Istanbul, Turkey

Nakilbent Cistern

A sixth-century Byzantine cistern hidden below a modern carpet store.
Istanbul, Turkey

Camondo Stairs

A gorgeous, Gaudí-esque stairway constructed in the city of Istanbul by a prominent Jewish family.
Manazan, Turkey

City of Manazan

Naturally protected city carved from a rock face.
Derinkuyu, Turkey

Derinkuyu Underground City

The deepest underground city in Turkey was designed to protect 20,000 people behind massive stone doors.
Bayatbademleri Köyü, Turkey


Once described as the "Eagle's Nest," this ruined ancient city rests on a remote mountaintop.
Kaleüçağız Köyü, Turkey

Kekova Island Sunken Ruins

Hidden just under the waters around this Turkish island are the ruins of a once great city.
Ocaklı Köyü, Turkey

Ani Ghost City

An abused and forgotten metropolis, abandoned for centuries.
Kayaköy, Turkey

Abandoned Village of Kayakoy

A Turkish ghost town abandoned in a population exchange with Greece.
Istanbul, Turkey

Tombs of the Sultans

Five sultans and their families rest in eternal splendor, teeming with overlooked beauty and drama.
Demre, Turkey

Myra Necropolis

A Lycian city of the dead carved into the hillside of Southern Turkey, complete with startlingly human touches.
Örencik, Turkey

Gobekli Tepe

This hunter-gatherer architecture is believed to be the oldest religious complex known.
Fethiye, Turkey

Lycian Rock Tombs

These tombs were built into the side of a mountain so that ancient angels could reach the dead.
Denizli, Turkey

Pamukkale Water Terraces

Roman ruins top white travertine terraces formed by ancient hot springs.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Aksaray, Turkey


In this historic region, homes and churches are carved into ancient volcanic rock formations.
Damascus, Syria

Umayyad Mosque

Also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, this is one of the world's largest and oldest mosques.
Sednayah, Syria

Monastery of Our Lady of Sednayah

One of the oldest monasteries in the world is a key pilgrimage site for both Muslims and Christians.
Set Zaynab, Syria

Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque

This ornate mosque is said to hold the remains of Muhammad's granddaughter beneath its dome of pure gold.
An-Nabk District, Syria

Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi

This ancient mountain monastery welcomes all manner of faith in an effort to keep Christians in Syria.
Aleppo, Syria

The Citadel of Aleppo

One of the oldest and largest castles in the world.
Masyaf, Syria

Musyaf Castle

The Syrian headquarters of alleged hashish-smoking assassins.