drkwanlee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Washington, D.C.

Inside the Capitol Dome

The walls of the iconic dome are hollow and have a secret stairway.
San Diego, California

Pearl of the Pacific

An ode to the friendship between four Pacific Rim countries.
San Diego, California

Sunny Jim Cave Store

Behind this beachfront shop lies a spectacular, colorful sea cave with an equally colorful past.
San Diego, California

San Diego Model Railroad Museum

North America's largest accredited model railroad museum.
Calipatria, California

Slab City

This abandoned Navy base was transformed into an off-grid alternative living community for thousands of people.
Calipatria, California

Salvation Mountain

A hand-built folk art installation covered with messages of God's love.
Bombay Beach, California

Bombay Beach

Version of the French Riviera destroyed by the sea.
Mecca, California

Salton Sea

The ghostly remains of an accidental sea.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Botanical Garden

Golden Gate Park's historic collection of plants.
San Francisco, California

Palace of Fine Arts

The last remaining relic of San Francisco's glittering 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
San Francisco, California


San Francisco's newly reopened hands-on science museum.
San Francisco, California

Bourbon & Branch

A nondescript building that's been functioning as a speakeasy for nearly a century and a half.
Atlanta, Georgia

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama

The Battle of Atlanta in 360 degrees, featuring a corpse that bears a striking resemblance to Clark Gable.
Three Rivers, California

Moro Rock

Four hundred granite steps were built into this massive rock by the National Park Service.
Sequoia National Park, California

General Sherman

Quite simply the largest tree in the world (by volume).
Lee Vining, California

Mono Lake

Aqueducts have dramatically changed this old lake, now home to tufa towers and its very own species of tiny brine shrimp.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Black Hole of Los Alamos

permanently closed
Seller of surplus nuclear research materials.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bradbury Science Museum

This museum started as a collection of Manhattan Projects and continues to add exhibits as they are declassified.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bandelier National Monument

A small metropolis of Pueblo cave dwellings have been carved right into the hillside of this national monument.
Seattle, Washington

Lake View Cemetery

A beautiful final resting place for some of the noteworthy deceased.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.