amandaelizabethfarmer's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kyoto, Japan

Kimono Forest

An LED art installation composed of 600 poles wrapped in kimono fabric.
Matsumoto, Japan

Matsumoto Castle

This historic castle is one of the oldest and most impressive in all of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Kototoi Bridge

Tragic reminders of the 1945 firebombing campaign over Tokyo still haunt this bridge.
Sado, Japan

Sado Island's Tarai Bune

These unconventional "tub boats" let locals row around the island's turbulent coast.
Niigata, Japan

Niigata Rice Cracker Museum & Bakauke Inari

This snack factory boasts several tributes to its popular line of rice crackers, including a quasi-shrine.
Utsunomiya, Japan

Oya History Museum - Subterranean Cave

This massive, beautifully-lit underground quarry leaves visitors in awe.
Tokyo, Japan

Benten-dō Temple

A Buddhist temple on an artificial island that houses a monument to the fugu fish.
Osaka, Japan

Dotonbori Hotel Front Pillars

Surreal giant face-pillars welcome visitors from across the globe to this hotel.
Nikko, Japan

Katayama Shuzo

Founded in 1880, this humble brewery still practices a disappearing technique of sake-making.
Tokyo, Japan

Matsuchiyama Shoden

Daikon radishes are offered to the Japanese Buddhist counterpart of the Hindu god Ganesha at this historic hilltop temple.
Kyoto, Japan

Issen Yoshoku

This kitsch-forward diner is dedicated to an almost-forgotten “one-cent” prototype of okonomiyaki.
Sekigahara-chō, Japan

Sekigahara War Land

One of the bloodiest and most important battles in Japanese history is recreated with kitschy concrete statues.
Kesennuma, Japan

Tsunami Stones

Stone slabs along the coast warn of Japan's tsunami-ravaged past, often marking the highest point of a wave's reach.
Osaka, Japan

Sewerage Science Museum

Near the mouth of the Yodo River, this museum offers visitors six floors of hands-on learning about Osaka's raw sewage.
Tokyo, Japan

Omori Shell Mound

The site of Japan’s first archaeological excavation is also the birthplace of fingerprint forensics.
Minakami, Japan

Mount Tanigawa

This little known mountain has claimed four times as many lives as Everest.
Tokyo, Japan

Yagiri no Watashi

The only Edo-period ferry that is still in operation in Tokyo today.
Komatsushima-shi, Japan

Kincho Raccoon Dog Statue

A statue of a mischievous raccoon towers over this city park.
Kyonan, Japan

Nihonji Daibutsu: The Great Buddha of Nihonji

This giant seated Bhudda of Healing dates to the 1780s.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyotomangekyo Museum

Visitors to this museum will discover that kaleidoscopes are much more than toys.
Tokyo, Japan

Shirahatazuka Shiseki Park

Visitors to this park are welcomed by an ancient Japanese megalithic tomb that dates back to the sixth century.
Otsuki, Japan

Saruhashi Bridge

According to one legend, this bridge was crafted after monkeys formed a body-bridge across the gorge.
Kawazu, Japan

Kawazu Nanadaru Loop Bridge

An ingenious solution to a tricky engineering problem, this spiraling bridge takes drivers for a dizzying spin.
Tokyo, Japan


Inspired by the famous sculptures on Easter Island, this head serves as a popular meeting spot by Shibuya Station.