nstorm21's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Chester, Illinois

Liberty Bell of the West

Now nearly abandoned, Kaskaskia was once the capital of Illinois and one of the most important towns on the upper Mississippi.
St. Louis, Missouri

'The Naked Truth'

In the Compton Hill Reservoir Park sits a statue whose lack of clothing caused a scandal for the group that commissioned it.
St. Louis, Missouri

World Chess Hall of Fame

A chessmaster's dream destination.
Carthage, Arkansas

Tree Surgeon Buried in a Tree

Local legend says that someone is buried in the trunk.
St. Louis, Missouri

1904 World's Fair Flight Cage

What was meant to be a temporary exhibit is now a permanent fixture at the St. Louis Zoo filled with beautiful birds.
University City, Missouri

St. Louis Walk of Fame

A commemoration of over 150 of St. Louis's favorite sons and daughters.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri

Cave Vineyard

permanently closed
A subterranean haunt where wine and homemade biscottis are always on the menu.
Okarche, Oklahoma

Eischen's Bar

Come for the fried chicken, stay for the history at Oklahoma's oldest bar.
Noble, Oklahoma

Timberlake Rose Rock Museum

permanently closed
A collection of beautiful crystals shaped like freshly plucked roses.
Saint Charles, Missouri

Saint Charles Frog Hole

A frog crossed this road, but whether it made it to the other side remains a mystery.
Norman, Oklahoma

Oklahoma Centennial Prairie

A small section of native wilderness on a university campus
Fredericktown, Missouri

Castor River Shut-Ins

These pink granite water slides are the result of millions of years of erosion.
St. Louis, Missouri

The Magic House

The Magic House provides a beautiful and creative environment for curious youngsters to get their knowledge on.
Norman, Oklahoma

Pentaceratops Skull

The largest land animal skull ever discovered.
Chesterfield, Missouri

The Awakening II

A sculpture of a giant man escaping from the depths of the Earth.
Scott, Arkansas

Toltec Mounds

People of the Plum Bayou culture built these enormous mounds over 1,000 years ago.
Kirksville, Missouri

Kirksville Devil's Chair

Another in a long tradition of legends regarding infernal seats.
Park Hills, Missouri

Missouri Mines State Historic Site

Rusted and decayed, this former mining site is a portal to the past.
Bonne Terre, Missouri

Bonne Terre Mine

The world's largest man-made underground caverns offer unparalleled underwater wonders.
Bonne Terre, Missouri

The Space Museum

A museum dedicated to man's boldest venture.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Museum of Osteology and Skulls Unlimited

Collection of skeletal systems from the "world's leading supplier of osteological specimens."
Little Rock, Arkansas

The "Little Rock"

Yup, that's where the name came from.
Little Rock, Arkansas

H.U. Lee International Gate and Garden

A beautiful South Korean gate and garden in Little Rock honors American Taekwondo.
Hot Springs, Arkansas

Garvan Woodland Gardens

A beautiful botanical garden in the heart of the Natural State.