michaverheij's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lund, Sweden

Newton's Apple Tree

A living descendant of the famous tree that helped Isaac Newton develop the theory of gravity.
Simrishamn, Sweden

Prästens Badkar (The Priests Bathtub)

The world's only above water sand volcano, believed to once be the bathtub of a priest.
Vittsjö, Sweden

The Jerlov Observatory

This former peat factory was transformed into an observatory before being abandoned once again.
Tofta, Sweden

Svärjarehålorna (The Swearer's Holes)

Is the centuries-old enigma of these mysterious "perjurer's footprints," where nothing ever grows, attributed to natural phenomena or to the realm of folklore?
Karlshamn N, Sweden

Jättegrytorna i Tararp (The Tarap Giant Kettles)

A geological wonder that helped fuel myths of trolls and giants.
Grimeton, Sweden

Grimeton VLF Transmitter

A Very Low Frequency transmitter you can tune in on your PC.
Onsala, Sweden

Onsala Space Observatory

An impressive collection of massive radio satellites.
Torslanda, Sweden

Tumlehed Rock Paintings

Sweden's southernmost prehistoric rock art is hidden just outside Gothenburg.
Säve, Sweden


This declassified Cold War bunker hosts a large collection of Swedish aircraft.
Gothenburg, Sweden

Ragnhildsholmen Castle Ruin

This castle ruin in the middle of nowhere is a gem for wildlife enthusiasts.
Movatn, Norway

Dornier Do 17M-1 Crash Site

The remains of a German plane still sit in the Norwegian wood where it crashed in 1942.
Lindesnes, Norway


The world's largest underwater restaurant is submerged off the southern tip of Norway.
Luster, Norway

Nigardsbreen Ice Cave

A stunning silver lining to global warming's gloomy cloud.
Strand, Norway


This "preacher's pulpit" once used for pagan ritual, is home to a new, and dangerous ritual.
Bergen, Norway


Stay overnight in the world's most sleekly designed rabbit hole, free of charge.