eaguirre727's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

Fort DeRussy

A Civil War fort in the middle of Washington, D.C. has been swallowed by a forest.
Washington, D.C.

East Potomac Park Mini Golf

The country's oldest continually-operated mini golf course lies hidden in plain sight, eclipsed by one of D.C.'s most popular tourist attractions.
Washington, D.C.

Mount Zion Cemetery's Underground Railroad Shelter

People escaping slavery may have hidden inside a corpse vault.
Washington, D.C.

Tudor Place

A historic estate packed with George Washington's heirlooms, and its own nuclear bunker.
Washington, D.C.

Lincoln Memorial Undercroft

A cavernous three-story, 43,800-square-foot basement that was forgotten about for 60 years.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Mini Monument

There's a 12-foot-tall replica of the Washington Monument hidden under a manhole nearby.
Washington, D.C.

The Dupont Underground

Long-abandoned trolley tunnels just a mile away from the White House are turning into an art space.
Washington, D.C.

Catacombs of Washington, D.C.

Franciscan monks created a facsimile of the Holy Land for North Americans who couldn’t afford the trip overseas.
Monroeville, Alabama

Old Monroe County Courthouse

An Alabama courtroom where two famous American authors played as children became the setting for a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.
Ozark, Alabama

Longstreet Cemetery

Six separate cemeteries became one, on the grounds of a former schoolhouse.
Carrollton, Alabama

Henry Wells' Lightning Portrait

The terrified face of Henry Wells is etched on this garret window.
Tuskegee, Alabama

The Oaks

Booker T. Washington's home at the Tuskegee Institute was a gem of splendor.
Orrville, Alabama

Old Cahawba Archeological Park

This ghost town houses the remains of Alabama's old state capital.
Birmingham, Alabama

Sloss Furnaces

Once one of the largest producers of pig iron in the world.
Moundville, Alabama

Moundville Archaeological Site

A collection of huge Pre-Colombian structures in Alabama.
Montgomery, Alabama

F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum

The former home of the hard partying literary power couple is now one of the only museums devoted to their story.
Huntsville, Alabama

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment

Once a bustling cotton factory, this early 20th-century building is now home to a thriving artspace.
Huntsville, Alabama

Dead Children's Playground

What else would you call a playground hidden in Alabama's oldest and largest cemetery?
Mobile, Alabama

Mobile Medical Museum

Medical museum featuring a number of excellent medical models.
Mobile, Alabama

Stan Galle Field

Believed to be the oldest active college baseball field in America.
McCalla, Alabama

Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park

The remains of a foundry and old blast furnaces destroyed during the Civil War are preserved in this central Alabama park.
Foley, Alabama

Holmes Medical Museum

Tucked away atop a quaint Alabama pharmacy is this tiny display of antique medical tools.
Gulf Shores, Alabama

Fort Morgan Historic Site

This coastal port saw one of the most significant battles of the Civil War.
Tuscumbia, Alabama

Rattlesnake Saloon

You'll need cowboy boots to trek to this old-fashioned saloon nestled in a giant natural cave.