eamon1183's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Braddock, Pennsylvania

Carrie Furnaces

These disused steel furnaces are now haunting ruins that may one day be a national park.
Rock Springs, Wyoming

Point of Rocks Stagecoach Station

This sandstone building is a relic of the Overland Trail.
Toledo, Ohio

The Cloister

Centuries-old columns from French monasteries provide structure for this courtyard within an Ohio art museum.
Buffalo, New York

Fontana Boathouse

The only boathouse Frank Lloyd Wright ever designed was also the only unbuilt structure in his famous Wasmuth Portfolio, until 2007.
Buffalo, New York

Blue Sky Mausoleum

This unique crypt designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for his longtime friend was not completed in either man's lifetime.
Buffalo, New York

The Darwin D. Martin House

One of Frank Lloyd Wright's greatest—and favorite—architectural masterpieces was almost lost.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Winter Mausoleum

An imposing pair of sphinxes stand guard outside this Egyptian Revival tomb.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Former Pittsburgh Stock Exchange

When oil was discovered just outside of Pittsburgh, the city became home to this regional stock market.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Mellon Institute Columns

Sections of the iconic limestone columns have been left uncleaned as a reminder of the city's polluted past.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Fort Pitt Blockhouse

The last remnants of Fort Pitt also hold the distinction of being the oldest structure west of the Allegheny Mountains.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Nine Mile Run

This picturesque stream was up until recently the site of a ten story mountain of slag and sewage.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Kaufmann's Clock

Meet your friends, marry your true love, or tell your enemies to kiss your butt under this historic Pittsburgh timepiece.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bicycle Heaven

With 3,000 bikes on display, the world's largest bicycle museum includes some famous rarities.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh's Snoopy Doghouse

Despite being stolen multiple times, this civic electrician's street corner Snoopy won't be stopped.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Beechview-Seldom Seen Greenway

This secluded walking trail is a hidden gem of a Pittsburgh park.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

West End Overlook

The only way to see Pittsburgh is from the top of this lookout point, just like the ancient members of the native peoples did.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Canton Avenue

One of the steepest streets in the United States makes an intriguing challenge for cyclists.
Akron, Ohio

The Glendale Steps

An elegant sandstone stairway built by the WPA still connects two neighborhoods in Akron.
Akron, Ohio

Goodyear Airdock

This massive airship factory is so large that it has its own indoor weather.
Washington, D.C.

Knife Edge

Architecture lovers won’t stop touching the National Gallery's 19.5 degree marble prow.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Seattle, Washington

Amazon Spheres

The tech giant built three enormous glass orbs in Seattle so employees could work inside a rainforest greenhouse.
Seattle, Washington

Gas Works Park

This former coal gasification plant found a curious second life as a popular public park.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.