hollysheaevans's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Angelo, Texas

Blood Lake: the O.C. Fisher Reservoir

The end of times arrives, at least for the fish in the O.C. Fisher Reservoir.
San Antonio, Texas

Rosita's Bridge

An ivy-covered arch bridge dedicated to Tejano music singer and legend Rosita Fernandez.
Galveston, Texas

S. S. Selma

A decaying concrete oil tanker served as a disposal location for bootleg hootch.
Marfa, Texas

Wrong Store

This quirky outpost and gallery inside a former church is an unexpected trove of handcrafted art.
Llano, Texas

Baby Head Cemetery

This grimly-titled Texas cemetery is all that remains of a Wild West settlement with possibly the worst name.

Tibherine East Crash Site

An old airplane engine forms an unusual cairn atop this Moroccan peak.
Paris, France

Étienne-Gaspard Robertson's Tomb

A phantasmagoric tomb honors a Belgian artist-scientist's contributions to the world of spooky entertainment.
Holly Springs, Mississippi

Mittie Manning's Tomb

This tomb was fashioned with a sliding window for a grieving mother who struggled with her daughter's death.
Dallas, Texas

Gravesite of Clyde Barrow

The final resting place of infamous outlaw Clyde and Marvin Barrow.
Hondo, Texas

Ruins of St Dominic's Catholic Church

On a dusty county road sit the ruins of a ghost town's abandoned church.
Houston, Texas

Rothko Chapel

The peaceful space is adorned by paintings by the famed abstract artist Mark Rothko.
Fort Worth, Texas

Lee Harvey Oswald's Grave

Of course the grave of JFK's assassin is surrounded by conspiracy theories.
San Antonio, Texas


An abandoned, decaying sculpture garden built by an eccentric physician in the 1920s now looks more like a forgotten cemetery.
Mineral Wells, Texas

The Baker Hotel

Crumbling hotel echoes with the sounds of the '30s.
Dallas, Texas

The Grave of Bonnie Parker

The final resting place of an outlaw, whose legend grew after death.
Odessa, Texas

Stonehenge Replica

A collection of massive stacked rocks in Texas includes a snarky note on the benefits of modern technology.
Marble Falls Township, Texas

Dead Man's Hole

Civil War dumping ground for the bodies of terrorized Union sympathizers.
Burnet, Texas

Old Bluffton Underwater Ghost Town

This underwater old Texas hill town only resurfaces during harsh drought.
Fredericksburg, Texas

Old Tunnel Bat Colony

Abandoned railroad tunnel is home to a colony of three million Mexican free-tail bats.
Shamrock, Texas

U-Drop Inn

Once in disrepair, this popular Texas stop along iconic Route 66 has been restored to its past glory.
San Antonio, Texas

Mission San Jose

Three hundred years of preserved Spanish colonial history in San Antonio.
Waxahachie, Texas

Webb Gallery

It specializes in outsider art and artifacts of secret societies.
Schulenburg, Texas

Painted Churches of Texas

Twenty churches beautifully painted by 19th-century Czech and German immigrants in Texas.
Austin, Texas

Curia Arcanum

This eclectic Austin curiosity shop is home to all things strange and unusual.