ejfrench96's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Erebus Ice Tongue Caves

Southern Ocean waters and glacial forces transform the Antarctic ice into these stunning bridges and caves.

Mount Erebus

Fire meets ice at the southernmost volcano on Earth.

McMurdo Dry Valleys

One of the most extreme deserts in the world, these snow-free valleys harbor life, despite the hostile environment.

Macquarie Island

One of the only places where Earth’s mantle lies above water.
East Warburton, Australia

Redwood Forest Tree Art

Woven tree art gives this towering Australian woodland a touch of mystical whimsy.
Lorne, Australia


A tranquil gallery and sculpture garden situated within the classic Australian bush.
Raymond Island, Australia

Gippsland Lakes Bioluminescence

Australian Lake set aglow by Noctiluca Scintillans.
Walhalla, Australia

Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mine

A rare chance to enter an original gold mine from the 1800s.
Balook, Australia

Corrigan Suspension Bridge

Designed to provide fantastic views of the surrounding rainforest.
Wonthaggi, Australia

Ramalama Book Exchange

Leaning shelves and books galore, this location is a book lover's utopia.
Tasman Island, Australia

Cape Pillar Sea Cliffs

The tallest sea cliffs on the Southern Hemisphere are a climber's worst nightmare.
Eaglehawk Neck, Australia

Eaglehawk Neck Tessellated Pavement

This extraordinary geological oddity resembles human-made pavement.
Wilsons Promontory, Australia

Skull Rock (Cleft Island)

A unique rock formation that only a few have managed to venture inside.
Freycinet, Australia

Wineglass Bay

One of the best beaches in the entire world.