ElSilencio's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Goslar, Germany
Places edited in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Places visited in Lemgo, Germany
Places visited in Altenburg, Germany
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Leggiuno, Italy

Santa Caterina del Sasso

This monastery built into a cliff hides a perfectly preserved hermit in a glass coffin.
Rome, Italy

Mirabilia Gallery

A wunderkammer of curious objects and intriguing art nestled within a hub of ancient Roman sites.
Rome, Italy

Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana

Also known as the Square Colosseum, this building is a prime example of fascist-era rationalist architecture.
Modena, Italy

San Cataldo Cemetery

This ultra-modern burial building would have stacked the dead like a giant filing cabinet.
Clusone, Italy

The Triumph of Death

A medieval fresco which reminds visitors that death will come for us all.
Muraglione, Italy

Pertosa Caves

Ride a boat through this magnificent underground world, which now doubles as a theater.
Massa Marittima, Italy

Massa Marittima Mural

Does this strange mural depict witches battling beneath a penis tree?
Pizzo, Italy

Chiesetta di Piedigrotta (Church of Piedigrotta)

This church carved into the rocks is full of enchanting stone statues.
Chiavari, Italy

Colonia Fara

This former fascist summer camp was abandoned for decades.
Acquapendente, Italy

Bosco del Sasseto

A magnificent Neogothic tomb hides within this Italian fairytale-like forest.
Roccascalegna, Italy

Castle of Roccascalegna

This precariously perched fortress was once ruled by a crow-worshipping baron.
Rome, Italy

Stadio dei Marmi

This Italian stadium makes liberal use of fascist statuary to evoke classical sporting arenas.
Bologna, Italy

Relics in the Basilica of San Domenico

A diverse collection of wax, bone, papier-maché and mummified relics.
Verona, Italy

Whale Bone of Arco della Costa

A whale rib was used to advertise the store by the arch that offered exotic goods from far away.
Nughedu Santa Vittoria, Italy

Domus de Janas Tombs

Ancient cave tombs known as the "houses of fairies."
Ischia di Castro, Italy

Eremo di Poggio Conte (Poggio Conte Hermitage)

A dreamlike medieval church dug into the tuff rock, with unusual carvings and possible traces of the Templar knights.
Monopoli, Italy

Chiesa di Santa Maria del Suffragio detta del Purgatorio

Macabre symbols of death and mummies on display set the tone of this Italian purgatory church.
Florence, Italy

La Berta

Legend says this mysterious stone head belongs to a woman who was petrified by an alchemist.
Trieste, Italy

Risiera di San Sabba

During World War II, this rice mill became a Nazi concentration camp.
Naples, Italy

Anatomy Museum of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

An eerie, little-known Neapolitan museum filled with preserved human remains.
Lido, Italy

San Lazzaro degli Armeni

Originally a leper colony, the island is now an Armenian monastery that's home to an incredible manuscript library and eclectic museum.
Solferino, Italy

The Ossuary at San Pietro

The bones of some 7,000 soldiers killed in the historic Battle of Solferino are stored here.
Padua, Italy

St. Anthony's Tongue

The incorrupt tongue of the patron saint of lost things is venerated in this basilica.
Palermo, Italy

Palazzo Chiaramonte

Haunting graffiti left by prisoners of the Spanish Inquisition.