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Places visited in Abiquiu, New Mexico
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Montrose, Colorado

Museum of the Mountain West

An eclectic collection of artifacts from the Wild West is preserved in a remote fictional pioneer town.
Montrose, Colorado

Black Canyon of the Gunnison

A dangerous narrow-gauge railroad once traced a route through this striking canyon.
Elko, Nevada

Western Folklife Center

This arts and culture cultural center explores the diverse cultural heritage of the American West.
Wells, Nevada

Angel Lake and the East Humboldt Mountains

An attractive alpine lake at 8,400 feet that is accessible via a paved road.
Tulelake, California

Crystal Ice Cave

Each winter this underground cave forms a dazzling ice palace.
Tulelake, California

Lava Beds National Monument

Trails through lava-carved tube-caves display sparkling bacteria and a rich history.
Sponsored by Visit California
Boise, Idaho

The Black Cliffs

These black pillars of volcanic basalt seem to call mountain climbers with an unbreakable siren song.
Boise, Idaho

Big Idaho Potato Hotel

When in Idaho, sleep in a giant potato.
Winnemucca, Nevada

Thousand Creek Gorge

A spectacular but little-known slot canyon in extreme northern Nevada, with sheer walls nearly 500 feet high and a perennial stream.
Diamond, Oregon

Pete French Round Barn

The unique circular corral belonging to the “Cattle King” of Oregon.
White Oaks, New Mexico

No Scum Allowed Saloon

In a largely deserted ghost town, a little brick building recalls its history as a gold rush hub and haven for outlaws.
Socorro, New Mexico

Socorro Isopod

A warm desert spring holds one of the rarest species on earth.
Cibola County, New Mexico

Budville Trading Post

In 1967, murder and mayhem disrupted the tranquility along this quiet stretch of Old Route 66.
Quemado, New Mexico

The Lightning Field

In the remote high desert of New Mexico, a strange array of poles beckon fury from above.
Holbrook, Arizona

The Plotz Plot

For those going through a life transition, a place to leave behind a piece of your former self.
Holbrook, Arizona

Petrified Forest National Park

See massive fossils that are over 200 million years old in northeastern Arizona.
Chinle, Arizona

Canyon de Chelly National Monument

Red sandstone structures dominate this landscape, which has been inhabited for some 5,000 years.
Monticello, Utah

Home of Truth

This ghost town was once a cult-like religious utopian settlement.
Point Arena, California

Bowling Ball Beach

The mysterious round rocks of Schooner Gulch.
Sea Ranch, California

Sea Ranch Chapel

This whimsical seashell-shaped place of worship was designed to blend into its surroundings.
Little River, California

Pygmy Forest Trail

A raised boardwalk winds through a thicket of stunted, century-old trees no more than nine feet tall.
Fort Bragg, California

International Sea Glass Museum

Celebrating the transformation of trash into objects of beauty.
Fort Bragg, California

Glass Beach

A trash dump made beautiful by nature's power.
Whitethorn, California

Enchanted Forest

A grove of "candelabra redwoods" deep in California's Lost Coast.