yomimca's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Renton, Washington

Jimi Hendrix Memorial

The final resting place of one of the most sensational guitar players of all time was created only after his father got the rights to his music.
Seattle, Washington

Scarecrow Video

Browse through roughly 130,000 titles in the world's largest independent video rental store.
Seattle, Washington

Alki Flower Houses

Every summer West Seattle experiences a housing bloom.
North Bend, Washington

Twede's Cafe

Twin Peaks' real life Double R Diner has been restored to its damn fine television look.
Los Angeles, California

Brady Bunch Home

The exterior of this home was used for the hit television show, The Brady Bunch.
Everett, Washington

Laura Palmer's House

This private home is famous for appearing in the cult-classic "Twin Peaks" series.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Congo Square

Once the site of a Native American harvest festival, this humble clearing later played an invaluable role in the birth of jazz.
Mandeville, Louisiana

Dew Drop Jazz and Social Hall

This 19th-century benevolent society and jazz hall was rescued from abandonment to again host live music.
New Iberia, Louisiana

Lake Peigneur

A miscalculation turns a very shallow freshwater lake into a very deep saltwater lake.
New Iberia, Louisiana

Jungle Gardens

A swamp and garden tour featuring local wildlife and exotic botanical specimens from around the world.
Avery Island, Louisiana

Tabasco Museum and Factory

For 150 years one family has been producing the iconic hot sauce on a bayou island made of salt.
Orlando, Florida

'The Traveler'

If you don't look closely, you might mistake this sculpture for just another passenger waiting at the airport.
Orlando, Florida

Progress City Model

A glimpse at Walt Disney's vision for a "community of tomorrow," in miniature.
Orlando, Florida

The Disney Collection

An unassuming corner inside downtown Orlando's library offers a whole new world of the park and its history.
Orlando, Florida

Jack Kerouac House

The humble home where the famous beat author lived briefly and wrote one of his most famous works.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden

Garden dedicated to native carnivorous plants and site of huge flytrap heist.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Apollo Moonprints in Cement

The imprints of astronaut Charles Duke’s moon boots live on at Myrtle Beach’s official South Carolina Hall of Fame.
Murrells Inlet, South Carolina

Live Oak Allée at Brookgreen Gardens

Take a stroll through this centuries-old tunnel of enormous moss-hung evergreens, nestled among the grounds of America’s first public sculpture garden.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Myrtle Beach Colored School Museum

This small museum dedicated to the painful memory of segregation is essentially a time capsule.
Charleston, South Carolina

Stede Bonnet Hanging Site

Most historians agree that the so-called "Gentleman Pirate" wasn't much of either of those things.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Free People of Color Museum

In 1810, free people of color made up more of New Orleans's population than any other Southern city.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Ignatius J. Reilly Statue

This New Orleans statue of a portly figure in a goofy hat pays homage to a classic of satirical literature.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Musical Legends Park

A small park on Bourbon Street features life-size bronze statues of New Orleans musicians.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Dooky Chase's Restaurant

Parts of the civil rights movement unfolded in this historic eatery, helmed by the "Queen of Creole Cuisine."