meliss7567's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

The Tower Ravens

Six ravens are kept captive (but well-fed) at the Tower of London to prevent the fall of the Crown.
London, England

Traitors' Gate

The watery entrance for condemned prisoners heading to the Tower of London is still visible along the Thames.
Tulsk, Ireland


This ancient Irish landscape boasts hundreds of legendary ruins.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Samson and Goliath

These engineering masterpieces are a dominant feature of the Belfast skyline.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

The Drovers Inn

Nestled amid the peaks and lochs of the Scottish Highlands, this inn and pub has played host to outlaws and ghosts.
Glenfinnan, Scotland

Glenfinnan Viaduct

Now famous as the "Harry Potter bridge," this impressive concrete viaduct has long been an icon in its own right.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary King's Close

17th century streets hidden under Edinburgh were once a breeding ground for the black death.
Alnwick, England

Alnwick Poison Garden

The sign at the garden gate reads: "These Plants Can Kill."
Alnwick, England

Alnwick Castle

This iconic 1,000-year-old medieval castle is a favorite of the film industry, most notably as the location for Hogwarts in Harry Potter.
Alnwick, England

The RMS Olympic Dining Room

This restaurant was removed from the famed sister ship of the Titanic and placed within a hotel.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Glastonbury, England

Glastonbury Tor

This hill and tower are steeped in legend, from King Arthur to the Holy Grail.
Glastonbury, England

The White Spring

A dark Victorian well house now plays host to mystical waters and pagan shrines.
Glastonbury, England

Chalice Well (The Red Spring)

An ancient well nestled at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, shrouded in Arthurian legend and revered for its purported healing waters.
Glastonbury, England


Fascinating town where normal life interfaces with the occult.
Tintagel, England

Tintagel Post Office

A whimsical cottage from the 1300s with a preserved Victorian-era post office inside.
Tintagel, England

Merlin’s Cave

It is said the legendary wizard once lived in this sea cave beneath Tintagel Castle.
Tintagel, England

Tintagel Castle

A fantastic castle rumored to be the birthplace of King Arthur.
Southampton, England

Titanic Postal Workers Memorial

Dedicated to the five postal workers who died aboard the doomed ocean liner, this plaque was made from a spare propeller from the Titanic.
Southampton, England

Southampton Walls

A half-mile-long stretch of medieval forts built after a devastating pirate attack persists amid the modern port city.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Launch Site of the Titanic

A museum marks and documents the site of the Titanic's launch.
Wiltshire, England


The largest stone circle in the world has ended up bringing up more questions than it has answered.
Oxfordshire, England

Uffington White Horse

The granddaddy of English geoglyphs dates back to the late Bronze Age.