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Places visited in Wortley, England
Sheffield, England

Ruins Of Sheffield Ski Village

Once a training ground for Olympic athletes, this artificial ski slope has fallen into ruin after a fire in 2012.
Sheffield, England

Hillsborough Barracks

This commercial and retail center was crafted from walled military barracks.
Sheffield, England

Riverside Pub Mural

Located behind the Riverside Pub is a nautical fantasy from one of the area's renowned street artists.
Sheffield, England

The Steelworker Mural

This magnificent mural was created with over 30,000 colored bricks.
Sheffield, England

Bessemer Converter at Kelham Island Industrial Museum

One of the last remnants of the Bessemer process that revolutionized steel production during the industrial age.
Sheffield, England

Water Sculptures of Sheaf Square

An enormous steel waterfall is a nod to the substance that shaped Britain's Steel City.
Sheffield, England

Bishops' House

This house was home to a succession of park keepers for more than 90 years, but in all that time, it never had a toilet.
Sheffield, England

Women of Steel

A tribute to the women who quietly kept the local steelworks alive during both world wars.
Sheffield, England

The Green Police Box

This police call box harkens back to an era of pre-radio communications, and has a rather unique feature.
Sheffield, England

Rivelin Valley Chair

Seemingly straight out of a fairy tale, a steel chair sits on a tiny island only accessible by stepping stones.
Sheffield, England

Sheffield General Cemetery

Cemetery established by the Victorians as a solution to the overflowing graveyards.
Sheffield, England

The Old Queens Head

Amidst towering office buildings, a local pub lives inside Sheffield’s oldest surviving domestic building.
Sheffield, England

Lodge Moor POW Camp Ruins

A brick foundation and piles of listing building materials are all that remains of this World War II POW camp.
South Yorkshire, England

Dale Dyke Dam Marker and Memorials

The collapse of the brand-new dam caused one of the worst floods in British history.
Deepcar, England

The Dragon of Wantley

A stone wall commemorates the legend of a ferocious dragon who literally got his butt kicked by a knight.
Wortley, England

Wortley Top Forge

This industrial museum is based on one of the oldest standing iron forges in the U.K.
Thurgoland, England

Thurgoland Tunnel

A repurposed railway tunnel with otherworldly acoustic characteristics.
Wortley, England

Green Moor Village Stocks

In a quiet hamlet above Penistone, these village stocks are still standing.