biancaaug's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dallas, Texas

Adrian E. Flatt, M.D., Hand Collection

This collection of bronze hands comes from astronauts, presidents, baseball greats, and more.
Dallas, Texas

'Eye' Sculpture

This downtown Dallas art installation is always on the lookout.
Washington, D.C.

Renwick Gallery

The first purpose-built art gallery in the United States is once again open as a center of craft arts.
Washington, D.C.

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

A lovely aquatic park built by a one-armed Civil War veteran who made a fortune from lotuses.
Washington, D.C.

Culture House

A historic neighborhood church is reborn as a psychedelic arts collective.
Washington, D.C.

National Bonsai Museum

One of the dwarven trees dates back to 1625 and survived the Hiroshima bombing.
Atlanta, Georgia

Conjoined Calves of the Georgia State Capitol

A popular oddity on display in a stately building, offering a symbolic commentary.
Atlanta, Georgia

Kendeda Building

This "living building" on Georgia Tech's campus is home to a blueberry orchard, honeybees, and more than 900 solar panels.
Atlanta, Georgia


In Midtown Atlanta, tons of marble appears to be devouring a Fiat Panda at this unique art installation.
Atlanta, Georgia

Gravity Research Foundation Monument

This stone is a marker of one millionaire's personal vendetta against gravity.
Atlanta, Georgia

Grave of Fiddlin' John Carson

The first singer to cut a country music record is buried in a small graveyard in Atlanta, Georgia.
Chicago, Illinois

International Museum of Surgical Science

A monument to the art of slicing people open.
Washington, D.C.

Abandoned Drawbridge Control Room

The hidden offices underneath Memorial Bridge have been locked up since 1976.
Washington, D.C.

Mount Zion Cemetery's Underground Railroad Shelter

People escaping slavery may have hidden inside a corpse vault.
Arlington, Virginia

George Washington Memorial Parkway

This isn't your average roadway—it's actually a National Park and a transportation pioneer.
Arlington, Virginia

Abingdon Plantation Ruins

The remains of a historic plantation nestled in between a parking lot and the rental car return at Reagan National Airport.
Arlington, Virginia

Alexander's Island Border Dispute

The Pentagon sits on a former island that was in Virginia at low tide and D.C. at high tide.
Arlington, Virginia

James Parks Grave

Born a slave on the Arlington estate, Parks dug the first graves at Arlington National Cemetery, and was buried there, too.