flblom's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Florence, Texas

‘It’s Chaos, Be Kind’

A community-funded monument to kindness in the face of life's difficulties.
Budapest, Hungary

Mátyás Fountain

A triumphant marble and bronze fountain depicting a 15th-century Hungarian king and his hunting party.
Dunfermline, Scotland

Reliquary of St. Margaret of Scotland

The remains of "the Pearl of Scotland" can be found inside this church.
Schlatt, Switzerland

Iron Library

Everything from alchemy books to building plans for the Eiffel Tower are housed inside this museum.
Santa Barbara, California

Cold Spring Canyon Arch Bridge

California's largest steel arch bridge.
Winona, Kansas

Little Jerusalem Badlands

Once an ancient sea, this landscape of rocky ravines is filled with the fossils of ancient marine life.
Aztec, New Mexico

Aztec Ruins National Monument

The hallowed remains of a 900-year old Ancestral Pueblo great house.
New York, New York

Olfactory Art Keller

The only gallery in New York dedicated to olfactory art and the exploration of scent in art.
Lisbon, Portugal

Casa Fernando Pessoa

A museum dedicated to one of Portugal's most celebrated writers.
Budapest, Hungary

Katalin Karikó Mural

The Hungarian biochemist whose research helped develop mRNA-based vaccines for Covid-19.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Rifa Chocolatería

The hot chocolate here all stems from small, sustainable microproducers in Chiapas and Tabasco.
Lochiel, Australia

Lake Bumbunga

This salt lake in South Australia features seasonal color changes and its very own loch monster.
Glentrool, Scotland

Martyrs' Tomb Glen Trool

A square stone tomb marks the spot where six men were killed while holding a service in Caldoris Wood.
Mervans, France

Église Saint-Maurice de Mervans

Was the twisted roof on this church's belltower an intentional design or a happy accident?
Monteverde, Costa Rica

Ficus La Raiz

In Costa Rica's cloud forest, the roots of a woody ficus create a botanical bridge.
Sanquhar, Scotland

Sanquhar Castle

A 13th-century stronghold that has fallen into ruin.
Klitmøller, Denmark

Klitmøller Beach

On a stretch of Danish coast known as "Cold Hawaii," this fishing village has become a surfing town.
Spaulding, California

Eagle Lake

At the edge of the high desert, California's second-largest natural lake is home to a unique subspecies of trout adapted to its alkaline waters.
Glentrool, Scotland

Bruce's Stone

On a hill overlooking Loch Trool, a granite boulder marks the site where Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, defeated an English army.
Ballston Spa, New York

National Bottle Museum

Thousands of bottles that have held everything from poison to perfume make up the collection of this small museum.
London, England

Leg o' Mutton Reservoir and Park

This unusually-named reservoir found a second life as a nature preserve.
Les Trois-Moutiers, France

Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers

A 2017 crowdfunding campaign saved this historic castle from being destroyed.
Barcelona, Spain

Lo Pinyol

Read a book with a glass of wine at this classically restored bar.
Velha Goa, India

Church of Our Lady of the Rosary

Considered one of the oldest surviving churches in Goa.