folkhorrorfem's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Vigevano, Italy

Cathedral of St. Ambrose

The Cathedral of St. Ambrose has been hiding a special parishioner within its walls.
Sanremo, Italy

Old Bussana (Bussana Vecchia)

An ancient rogue artist community hidden next to one of the world's most glitzy and glamorous cities.
Steinsel, Luxembourg

Schetzel Grotto

The cave of a 12th-century hermit is still visited and venerated today.
Pianoro, Italy

La Balena della Val di Zena

A great white whale sculpture now sits in the location where the remains of a prehistoric cetacean were found.
Labante, Italy

Grotte di Labante

South of Bologna, a limestone grotto with a protruding waterfall and a floor full of cave pearls.
Civitacampomarano, Italy

CVTà Street Fest

A medieval Italian village is fighting depopulation with this vibrant annual street art festival.
Volterra, Italy

Ospedale Psichiatrico di Volterra

This real life asylum of horrors is now an abandoned ruin that hides the unbreakable code to one patient's insanity.
Volterra, Italy

Cimitero di San Finocchi

Abandoned cemetery of the former Psychiatric Hospital of Volterra.
Torba, Italy

Faceless Nuns of the Torba Monastery

An unsettling painting of three faceless sisters that is surrounded by history and legend.
Turin, Italy

Egyptian Museum of Turin

One of the oldest and most significant collections of Ancient Egyptian archeology outside of Egypt.
San felice del Benaco, Italy

Isola del Garda

A small island in Lake Garda that was used as a burial site, pirate hideout, and a monastery.
Gardone Riviera, Italy

Vittoriale Degli Italiani (Victory Shrine of the Italians)

A military museum, art park, mausoleum, and architectural oddity all on one fascist's estate.
Ravenna, Italy

Baptistery of Neon

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung reported a paranormal experience after visiting this mosaic-lined Roman baptistry.
Palermo, Italy

Arabic Inscription of Palermo Cathedral

Why a column on the entrance is inscribed with a verse from the Quran is one of Sicily's many mysteries.
Verona, Italy

Biblioteca Capitolare of Verona

One of the oldest libraries in the world is still operating and contains the oldest existing document in the Italian language.
Astura, Italy

Torre Astura

A medieval stronghold rising over the ruins of ancient Roman villas along Rome's southern coast.
Bollengo, Italy


An abandoned bell tower in the middle of nowhere is the last testimony of a forgotten medieval village.
Rasiglia, Italy


This medieval mountain town is also known as the "Village of Streams."
Torre del Greco, Italy

San Michele Arcangelo Hypogeum

The old church, buried by the 1784 Mount Vesuvius eruption, is a remarkably well-preserved place where people now pray for the souls of the dead.
Ercolano, Italy

Osservatorio Vesuviano (Vesuvius Observatory)

The oldest volcanology research center in the world.
Oristano, Italy

Sa Sartiglia

This mysterious Sardinian festival sees a horde of blank-faced equestrians compete for tin stars.
Paulilatino, Italy

Well of Santa Cristina

This elaborate hole in the ground was built as a sacred site for an ancient civilization.
Brallo di Pregola, Italy

Ghost Town of Rovaiolo Vecchio

An abandoned village, frozen in time by the threat of a landslide.
Santa Venere, Italy

Temple of Hera II

Also known as the Temple of Poseidon, this is one of the best-preserved Greek temples in the world.