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Verona, Italy

'Juliet's Tomb'

It’s said this crypt was the setting for the tragic finale of the Shakespeare play.
Acquapendente, Italy

Bosco del Sasseto

A magnificent Neogothic tomb hides within this Italian fairytale-like forest.
Savoca, Italy

Bar Vitelli

A quiet Sicilian village is home to a cafe that had an important role in "The Godfather."
Rome, Italy

Arch of Janus

This one-of-a-kind Roman arch is not actually dedicated to the god Janus.
Florence, Italy

The English Cemetery

Many famous English poets including Elizabeth Barrett Browning are laid to rest at this Swiss-owned cemetery in Florence.
Naples, Italy

MUSA Anatomy Museum

This Neapolitan exhibition hall grants weird and wonderful insight into the intricacies of human biology.
Rome, Italy

Casa Romuli

These hut foundations are believed to be the residence of Romulus, founder of Rome.
Palermo, Italy

Palazzo Chiaramonte

Haunting graffiti left by prisoners of the Spanish Inquisition.
Otranto, Italy

Ossuary Chapel of the Cathedral of Otranto

A 1,000-year-old church holds the bones of the Christian martyrs who died hiding inside it.
Castelnovo ne' Monti, Italy

Pietra Di Bismantova

An Italian geologic wonder that served as the inspiration for the landscape of Dante's hell.
Matera, Italy

The Crypt of the Original Sin

A cave in southern Italy adorned with thousand-year-old Biblical frescoes existed in obscurity until fairly recently.
Ischia di Castro, Italy

Eremo di Poggio Conte (Poggio Conte Hermitage)

A dreamlike medieval church dug into the tuff rock, with unusual carvings and possible traces of the Templar knights.
Milan, Italy

Monumental Cemetery of Milan

Artistic tombs, monuments, and a beautiful "Hall of Fame" lurk inside this cemetery.
Rome, Italy

Basilica of Santi Quattro Coronati

A fortified medieval basilica on the Caelian Hill preserves extraordinary frescoes and one of Rome's most beautiful hidden cloisters.
Province of Salerno, Italy

Valle delle Ferriere

Amalfi's pre-industrial history is slowly being engulfed by the lush vegetation of the Ferriere Valley.
Rome, Italy

Nymphaeum of Egeria

Roman politician Herodes Atticus built this nymphaeum to honor his wife, whom he may have murdered.
Cesena, Italy

Biblioteca Malatestiana

A gorgeous medieval library where the books are kept in chains.
Cassino, Italy

Montecassino Abbey

This breathtaking monastery was established by Saint Benedict himself 1,500 years ago.
Fontanellato, Italy

The Labirinto della Masone

The world's largest bamboo labyrinth is a living demonstration of the plant’s immense potential.
Naples, Italy

Church of Santa Luciella ai Librai

An unusual "skull with ears" sits in the crypt of this small church tucked away at the end of a narrow alley.
Soriano nel Cimino, Italy

Santa Cecilia Necropolis

A fascinating assortment of cave dwellings, medieval ruins, and sarcophagi are being devoured by the forest.
Ferentillo, Italy

Museum of the Mummies

Naturally preserved bodies are eerily staged throughout the crypt in varying poses.
Naples, Italy

The Arm of St. Thomas Aquinas

The remains of the left arm of the levitating philosopher-saint are kept in a 13th-century Neapolitan basilica.
Rome, Italy

The Flying Donkey

Rome's first modern graffito is all that is left of a peaceful protest from the 1970s.