Guthbrand's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Solvang, California
Places added to Flåm, Norway
Places visited in Pacific Grove, California
Places added to Stavanger, Norway
Places visited in Monterey, California
Places visited in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California
Places added to Norway
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The Lost Town of Newtown Jerpoint (Jerpoint Park)

Local legend says the remains of Father Christmas lie within the medieval grounds.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Jerpoint Abbey

This ancient Irish religious site is covered in ancient carvings, many of which have barely aged.
Dublin, Ireland

Kingship and Sacrifice

This permanent collection of preserved bodies taken from Irish bogs is one of the leading authorities on such morbid mummies.
Dublin, Ireland

The Hungry Tree

An 80-year-old plane tree is devouring an iron bench at Ireland's oldest law school.
Rosscarbery, Ireland

Drombeg Stone Circle

One of the most popular megalithic sites in Ireland stands as a humbler version of Stonehenge.
Dublin, Ireland

National Leprechaun Museum

A museum that cashes in on its infamous little people while teaching you a thing or two about the Irish fey.
Sligo, Ireland

The Glen

A tiny microvalley etched into the side of Knocknarea Mountain hides another world.
Sheffield, England

Bishops' House

This house was home to a succession of park keepers for more than 90 years, but in all that time, it never had a toilet.
York, England

Dick Turpin's Tombstone

The final resting place of England's most notorious bandit.
Calgary, Alberta

Little Chief

What happens when a chef with indigenous roots takes over a hotel-restaurant?
Mount Joy, Pennsylvania

Bube's Brewery & Catacombs

In the bowels of a 19th-century brewery lurks a fine-dining restaurant offering an array of themed feasts.
Le Château-d'Olonne, France

Le Puits d'Enfer (The Well of Hell)

This crack in France's seaside cliffs once hid a sinister secret.
Paris, France

Un Regard Moderne Bookstore

A counter-culture bookstore like no other hides in plain sight in the streets of Paris.
Saint-Malo, France

Fort de la Conchée

A unique military outpost carved into a rocky outcrop in the English Channel.
Lovagny, France

Gorges du Fier

A suspended footbridge allows for traversing this gorge carved through the French Alps.
Plussulien, France

Quelfénec Neolithic Site

This stone quarry was used to make axes and other tools more than 6,000 years ago.
Lyon, France

Église du Bon-Pasteur

This abandoned church in central Lyon is missing its front stairs.
Vals, France

Église Notre-Dame de Vals (Church of Our Lady of Vals)

A medieval church built into an ancient cave.
Angers, France

La Maison d'Adam (Adam's House)

A medieval house adorned with enigmatic carvings, including one of a man displaying his masculine attributes.
Reims, France

Joan of Arc Statue

An image of the legendary saint stands in the shadow of a cathedral she liberated.
Lumigny-Nesles-Ormeaux, France

Parc des Félins

A unique zoological park home to over 30 species of wild cats, both big and small.
Amiens, France

Amiens Cathedral Labyrinth

A sublime medieval path adorns the marble floor of one of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in France.
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Cathedral's Antique Graffiti

Visitors dating back to the 1600s carved their marks in the stones of the iconic tower.
Cluny, France

Abbaye de Cluny (Cluny Abbey)

One of the most powerful religious centers in the Middle Ages, dubbed the founder of Western monasticism.