Guthbrand's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Solvang, California
Places added to Flåm, Norway
Places visited in Pacific Grove, California
Places added to Stavanger, Norway
Places visited in Monterey, California
Places added to Norway
Places visited in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California
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Areedh Sub-District, Jordan

Fortress of Machaerus

These ruins by the Dead Sea is where John the Baptist met his untimely end.

Ein Keshatot (Spring of the Arches)

This sixth-century synagogue was first reconstructed digitally, then in real life.
Jerusalem, Israel

President's Room

On holy holidays, Israel's second president used this room atop Mount Zion as a refuge to read the Torah.
Jerusalem, Israel

Christ Church in Jerusalem

Oldest Protestant church in the Middle East, designed to resemble a synagogue.
Jerusalem, Israel

Montefiore Windmill

After over 100 years out of service this landmark windmill once again turns as a symbol of Jerusalem's self-sufficiency.
Jerusalem, Israel

Meah Shearim

Neighborhood in Jerusalem is home to the ultra-orthodox haredim.
Jerusalem, Israel

Saba's Little Museum

Through a collection of modern bric-a-brac this museum tells the story of the Jewish people from Biblical times to today.
Alon HaGalil, Israel

Yiftah'el Winery Cabin

This wooden home was built in West Virginia by a Scottish immigrant before being moved to an Israeli winery.
Berlin, Germany

Weißensee Cemetery

This sprawling Jewish cemetery is one of the largest in Europe.
Berlin, Germany


Once a path for Jewish funeral processions, this unassuming alleyway is rich in local lore.
Berlin, Germany

Otto Weidt's Workshop for the Blind

A brush maker used his factory to protect blind Jews from the Gestapo.
Berlin, Germany

Moses Mendelssohn Memorial

The original burial place of this preeminent 18th-century Jewish philosopher was razed by the Nazis.
Waddesdon, England

Waddesdon Manor Aviary

An ornate aviary built during the Victorian trend of collecting exotic birds.
Leiden, Netherlands


A striking memorial to the Jews of Leiden who were murdered during World War II is scattered throughout the city.
London, England

The Wiener Holocaust Library

One of the world’s leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust, the Nazi era, and genocide, this collection includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs, and eyewitness testimony.
London, England

London's Original and All-Inspiring Coffee House

The site of London's first coffee house has been serving refreshments of one kind or another for 360 years.
Guildford, England

Guildford Medieval Synagogue

The remains of the oldest synagogue in Britain lay forgotten for seven centuries, hidden under a humble shop.
Prague, Czechia

Olšany Cemetery

Walk through Czech history in Prague's largest graveyard.
Budapest, Hungary

Ghetto Wall Memorial

The holes in this wall provide a glimpse into Jewish life in Budapest, both past and present.
Budapest, Hungary

Carl Lutz Memorial

This sculpture honors the man who was known as the "Righteous Among the Nations."
Budapest, Hungary

Holocaust Tree of Life Memorial

The metal leaves on this tree are engraved with the names of Holocaust victims.
Vidin, Bulgaria

Vidin Synagogue

The second-largest Jewish temple in Bulgaria was deserted after World War II, seized by the communist government and then abandoned again.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava Old Town Hall's Cannonball

Launched by Napoleon's soldiers more than 200 years ago, a cannonball remains embedded in the tower wall.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Neolog Synagogue Memorial

Dedicated to a synagogue that was destroyed after having survived World War II.