Hairy Ghostbear's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hairy Ghostbear's activity rankings
Places visited in Heimaey, Iceland
Places visited in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
Places visited in Schiphol, Netherlands
Places visited in Brunei
Places visited in Amersfoort, Netherlands
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Chisinau, Moldova

Mileștii Mici

The largest wine cellar in the world is a 150-mile network of underground caves near the capital of Moldova.
Budapest, Hungary

Vajdahunyad Castle

This Hungarian castle was built out of cardboard and wood until it proved so popular that it got upgraded to stone.
Budapest, Hungary

Mátyás Fountain

A triumphant marble and bronze fountain depicting a 15th-century Hungarian king and his hunting party.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

Built in 1870 at the bridge that connected Buda and Pest, this spectacular incline railway was almost lost forever during World War II.
Budapest, Hungary

Zero Kilometer Stone

The geographical center of Budapest is marked with a 10-foot-tall stylized zero.
Budapest, Hungary

Michael Jackson Memorial Tree

A random tree outside a Budapest hotel has become a DIY shrine to the late singer.
Jülich, Germany

Hexenturm Jülich

A medieval gate once used as a prison and how home to a city museum.
Sandwick, Scotland

Skara Brae

Amazing and mysterious Neolithic settlement on Scotland's Orkney Islands.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Brussels, Belgium


Theme park featuring miniature replicas of European monuments.
Brussels, Belgium

The Atomium

Climb inside an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times its normal size.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Brussels, Belgium

'Cement Truck'

Intricate metal sculpture that's half gothic cathedral, half construction equipment.
Brussels, Belgium

Délirium Café

Cozy basement bar sports an inventory of over 2,000 beers.
Laakdal, Belgium

Nike Laakdal Wind Park

Six turbines towering over a wide road for passersby.
Geel, Belgium

Geel, Belgium

A pilgrimage site where people ask Saint Dymphna to watch over those who are not of sound mind.
Schokland, Netherlands


The struggle of a small Dutch island against the sea.
Giethoorn, Netherlands


This small town in the Netherlands has no roads but instead, miles of canals and over 100 bridges.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Hotel Inntel Zaandam

Colorful and chaotic stacked hotel in North Holland.
Haarlem, Netherlands


The heart of Dutch football history.
Beveren, Belgium

The Doomed City of Doel

This ghost town in Belgium will lose its street art when it ceases to exist.
Ghent, Belgium


This fairytale castle was built as a show of power but was nearly torn down thanks to its history of torture.
The Hague, Netherlands

Panorama Mesdag

The largest 19th century panorama in the world still in-situ.
The Hague, Netherlands


A miniature city, once ruled by the Queen of the Netherlands.