Hetha's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Beechworth, Australia
Places visited in Penong, Australia
Places visited in Caiguna, Australia
Places visited in Denham, Australia
Places visited in Myrtleford, Australia
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Melbourne, Australia

Pastor Sir Douglas & Lady Gladys Nicholls Memorial

This 2008 memorial commemorates two leading Aboriginal Australian rights activists.
Norseman, Australia

Tin Camel Roundabout

A tribute to the role camels played in the region's industrial development.
Maldon, Australia

Mount Tarrengower Lookout Tower

A timber transport car and a team of horses were needed to carry this lookout to the top of Mount Tarrengower in the 1920s.
Exmouth, Australia

Ningaloo George

A fibreglass sculpture of a whale shark on the grounds of a petrol station.
Karijini, Australia

Joffre Gorge

This natural amphitheatre has been carved over millennia into the layered sedimentary rock of Karijini National Park.
Attadale, Australia

Spirit Dog Sculptures

This public work of art outside of Perth depicts a dog walker and several mischievous canine companions.
Coolgardie, Australia

Ben Prior Park

One of the largest open-air museums in Western Australia.     
Cossack, Australia

Red Dog Grave Memorial

This site pays tribute to the life of an iconic local dog.
Leeuwin, Australia

Water Wheel - Cape Leeuwin

This water wheel turned to stone in a matter of decades.
Bicheno, Australia

Wauba Debar’s Grave

The burial place of this Tasmanian Aboriginal woman is a memorial that remembers the atrocities of colonialism.
Cossack, Australia

Cossack Historic Town

This once-thriving coastal area is now a preserved ghost town.
Marrickville, Australia

Wildflower Brewery

Inventive brewers use NSW ingredients to dream up flavorful beers made with local honey, native raspberries, and Mariposa plums.
Nullarbor, Australia

Old Nullarbor Roadhouse

This restored station garage allows visitors to step back in time at this remote outpost on the Nullarbor Plain.
Geelong, Australia

Stanbury Jacko

A stuffed, prize-winning ram is all that remains of a world-renowned stud line, and a reminder of its owner's gruesome end.
Wuk Wuk, Australia

Glenaladale Weir

The remains of a failed attempt to regulate Mitchell River.
Denham, Australia

Emu Rising Mosaic

This public work of art pays tribute to an early Aboriginal Australian constellation pattern.
Coorada, Australia

1972 Taroom Truck Explosion Memorial

One of the biggest mysteries of Central Queensland: How did this truck spontaneously combust with the force of a massive bomb?
Maryborough, Australia

Cistern Chapel

These public toilets are a work of art.
Broome, Australia

Sun Pictures

The oldest operating picture gardens in the world.
Rubicon, Australia

Rubicon Hydroelectric Scheme

One of the oldest operating hydroelectric power schemes in Australia.
Murtoa, Australia

Murtoa Stick Shed

Though it may look like a Modernist cathedral, this structure was built to store massive quantities of grain during World War II.
Lorne, Australia


A tranquil gallery and sculpture garden situated within the classic Australian bush.
Anmatjere, Australia

'Anmatjere Man'

Along the Stuart Highway, two giant sculptures tower over the roadway.
Port Hedland, Australia

Black Rock Stakes Sculpture

This sculpture honors the legacy of Australia's now-defunct, Black Rock Stakes wheelbarrow race.